Only 21% of Americans have shared their funeral wishes with their loved ones.

We all don’t want to think about our own demise. The thought of leaving our loved ones behind in pain is heartbreaking. Sadly death is inevitable, and planning your own funeral lifts a huge burden from your loved ones.

That’s why you should make the courageous move today of thinking about your death and what comes immediately after.

To help you out, here’s how to plan your own funeral.

Find Out What’s Involved

Although you’ve been to a funeral before, you’ve no idea what happens behind the curtains. That’s why you need to find out the specific things that happen before and after the ceremony.
 Here are three key funeral planning components to know.

1. Preparing the Body

You need to specify how you would like your body to be treated in your funeral plans. You’ll indicate whether your family or a funeral director will handle your body. Also, you’ll decide how you wish your body to be transported to the funeral home.

Most people pick hearses, but you’re not limited to this option as you can consider minivans and other types of vehicles.

2. Holding a Funeral Ceremony

What kind of ceremony would you like your loved ones to hold when you die? Do you want to have a wake where people are allowed to see your body and offer their final goodbyes? You can also consider a reception where friends and relatives gather after the funeral service.

The idea is to pick a funeral ceremony that gives your loved one a chance to celebrate your life and bid you goodbye.

3. Handling the Interment

The next part of funeral planning is deciding what to be done to your body when you pass away.
 Here are the most popular interment options in America:

• Cremation
 • In-ground burial
 • Above-ground burial
 • Natural burial
 If you choose to be buried when you die, you can also share special requests on the burial site. Also, with cremation, you can instruct your loved ones on what to do with your ashes.

Find Out the Average Cost of Funerals

As you plan for your own funeral, you need to estimate the funeral costs. To assist you, here are the major funeral costs categories.

Basic Service Fee

After you die, your loved ones will apply for a funeral permit and pay a given fee, depending on your state. Also, they’ll incur other administrative expenses when making plans for your funeral. You need to get estimates on these expenses to add them to your funeral budget.

Merchandise and Service Fee

The funeral home will charge your family a fee to prepare your body. Also, they’ll incur transportation costs when moving your body. Finally, they’ll spend money to hold a funeral ceremony.

So, you need to get estimates on how much each of these services costs. You need to find funeral planning tips that assist you on how to minimize these costs.
 Your goal is to create a comprehensive budget for your own funeral.

Search for a Funeral Home

When you are still alive, you should choose a funeral home to make things easier for your loved ones after you pass away. That’s why you need to seek information on various funeral homes near you. You want to find out the funeral packages these homes offer and how much they charge.

However, take time before making the decision to pay in advance for a given funeral plan. You don’t want to commit yourself too early without enough information.

The other common issue many people raise is why choose a funeral home when they don’t know where they’ll die. To overcome this challenge, consider a national funeral home. This home has branches in different states, so you can enjoy its service even when you relocate.

Plan Ahead for How to Pay For Your Funeral

Now that you have a budget for your own funeral, the next step is deciding how to finance it. The first option most people consider is opening a bank account and saving this money. The only problem with this plan is that no one knows when they’ll die.

So, it’s impossible to decide how much money to save monthly for your funeral. To counter this challenge, you should consider buying funeral insurance. With this policy, you’re sure that your loved ones will receive a specified amount of money when you die.

That’s why you need to get more information on the top companies that offer burial insurance policies. You want to get quotes from these companies to decide the best one.

Share Your Funeral Plans With Your Loved Ones

Sharing your funeral plans with your loved one is scary as you don’t know where to start. You don’t want them to misinterpret your decision and make them think you’re contemplating death. That’s why you need to first explain to them why planning your own funeral is important to you.
 Make them understand your funeral plans aim to make things easy for them when you pass away. If possible, consult them when making arrangements, such as searching for a funeral home. You want to ensure they understand and respect your funeral wishes, and they’ll follow them.

Also, appoint people to carry out different funeral activities when you die, for example, who’ll spread your ashes if you wish to be cremated.

Plan Your Own Funeral to Simplify Things for Your Loved Ones

Most families have a hard time planning for a funeral when they don’t know the deceased person’s wishes. Plan your own funeral to help your loved ones avoid these struggles. You want to have a funeral plan that directs them on what to do with your body and the kind of ceremony to hold.

Also, you want to plan how to cover different funeral expenses in advance.

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