Whether you’re a newcomer to the world of fleet driving, or you’re a seasoned professional looking to brush up on your skills, there are several things you can do to improve your performance as a fleet driver, especially if you work for a dedicated management company. In this guide, we’ll be discussing the best habits you can implement into your daily driving to improve your skills as a fleet driver, increasing your employability and keeping you safe. 

Check In With Your Manager Regularly

As a fleet driver, you’ll have a manager who will keep track of your performance, progress, and any personal issues that might affect your workday. One of the best things you can do to improve as a driver is to check in with your manager regularly to discuss how they see your performance and whether any factors might be affecting it. From there, you’ll be able to discuss progression opportunities and learn more about what they want to see from you. 

Stay Alert

When driving, there’s a range of different scenarios that you might come across, but one of the most common accidents faced by fleet drivers is rear-end collisions. A huge number of drivers every year find themselves in a rear-end collision while out on the road. This is the most common type of crash, but distracted driving is also a big factor in auto accidents. These collisions are not only dangerous, but they can also be unexpected and leave you worried about the possibility of a similar accident happening again.

To avoid a collision, you can use safety zones, as the linked article explains, but driver safety training is equally important for fleet drivers. This can give you an extra confidence boost while you hone your skills. 

Taking advantage of these opportunities, stay alert while you are out on the road to ensure that you’ll be giving yourself and those around you the best chance of getting home safe at the end of the day. 

Take Care Of Yourself

Unfortunately, one of the most commonly overlooked factors that influence how fleet drivers perform their daily duties is how well they take care of themselves. Driving long distances over many hours can have adverse effects including extreme driver fatigue, so it’s vital that if you find yourself yawning, drifting in the lane, or nodding off, you understand that it might be that the hours you work are taking their toll. 

To counter this, make sure that you’re eating well, getting regular exercise, and taking breaks often. These measures might sound like common sense, but they’re regularly skipped by drivers, and implementing them into your routine is a great way to improve your performance behind the wheel. 

Driving is a high-risk job that carries a lot of responsibility, so it’s no surprise that you’re looking for ways to improve and keep everyone around you safe. By following these three top tips and undertaking additional learning wherever you can, you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your day-to-day driving, and your fleet manager will be able to identify the positive changes that you’ve made to your approach.