You know what can be annoying, especially when you’re in a rush— waiting for water to boil. Think about the number of times when you needed hot water quickly, but there was nothing you could do about it.

Did you cook your entire dinner only to realize the water for your pasta wasn’t boiled yet? What about when it’s cold outside, and you need a little bit of hot water to clear your window, but it’s taking too long?

You may have faced these issues before. But today, we’ll provide several tips to help you boil water faster. Read on for more insight.

Keep the Pot Covered

When boiling water, it’s always best to make sure you have a covered water pot. Doing so without the pot being covered is like climbing a mountain barefoot—yes, you’ll eventually get there, but why make it harder for yourself?

When the pot is covered, it helps the water boil faster and get to its optimal temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Find a lid that fits perfectly, and watch your wait time decrease.

The Wider, the Better

Another method to get boiling water more quickly is using a wider pot. Pots with a broader surface area expose more water to the bottom of the pot, which is the hottest part.

It’s ideal to use these pots for cooking smaller vegetables like green beans, broccolini, or slide carrots. Also, try to use a wide pot that’s also thin. It further increases the water’s boiling speed.

Less Is More

Most individuals like putting salt in their water before boiling because they believe it will help the water boil faster. But actually, saltwater has a higher boiling temperature than regular water.

You should still season your water if you plan on making pasta or something along those lines. But salting your water and using an excess amount won’t do much to help your wait time. 

Don’t worry; it’s a common misconception, so you’re not alone in that endeavor. The truth is, when you use less water, it will boil the water faster.

With less water, the heat doesn’t have much work to reach the boiling point. But make sure you stir your food occasionally to ensure it doesn’t clump together.

Use Your Kettle

There’s another myth surrounding water claiming that cold water boils faster than warm water. But that isn’t true. Whether you use cold water or hot water, it will start boiling once the temperature reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, if you want to help speed up the process, you can always boil water in your kettle. It’ll help bring your water closer to its boiling point.

Once the kettle heats the water, pour it into a pot. Since it’s hotter than normal tap hot water, all you’ll need to do is wait for it to come to a rolling boil.

Elevation Might Help

Unfortunately, this tip isn’t handy for anyone living at sea level. But if you ever decide to move to states such as Colorado, Utah, or New Mexico, you’ll be happy you kept reading.

As we’ve already mentioned, water reaches its boiling point at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. However, boiling time is much quicker when you live in an area above sea level—like the states we listed.

Since there’s lower air pressure in these areas, the water doesn’t need much time to get to a boil. So the next time you’re on vacation in a state with high elevation, know you won’t have to wait too long for boiled water.

Microwaves Can Help Too

Like your kettle, you can also use other tools to boil water faster. Microwaves are helpful if you don’t have any pots available.

Pour the water into a microwaveable bowl or cup. If you can’t find a “microwave safe” label on your dish, you can opt for glass or ceramic cookware that doesn’t have any metallic paint. Anything with metal should never go in a microwave because it’s a fire hazard.

Once you’ve found a suitable dish, turn your microwave to its highest watt setting—if that’s an option—and start the timer. To be on the safe side, heat the water in 1-minute intervals while stirring occasionally.

If the water is still cool after the first few rounds, increase the length of time by 30 seconds to 1 minute. You won’t get the same roiling boil you would get when boiling water in a pot. However, you’ll know it’s ready when the water is too hot to touch.

Other Useful Devices

Boiling water requires a lot of patience, especially when you don’t have the right equipment. However, some devices can ensure you get your boiling water ASAP.

For example, catering urns can keep water at its boiling temperature for extended periods. Although you’ll have to fill the water manually, you can easily control the temperature.

Also, these boiling water taps let you generate water at its desired temperature without waiting for the standard length. Just make sure you switch the tap away from the heat setting after each use, so no one suffers any injuries.

Boil Water Faster With These Tips

As you can see, there are various ways to boil water faster. So there’s no need to wait a long time for your water to boil anymore.

Pick the method you think will be helpful for you and your household to make your time in the kitchen more efficient. Now your meals won’t go cold as you wait for the water to boil.

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