Do you have dreams of successfully being able to manage a staff of millennials who are filled with ideas and ready to bring all they’ve got to the table? Many companies are seeking to hire millennialsfor these reasons, as they are highly adaptive, thrive in a teamwork environment, want to do a job that makes a difference, and are open to feedback. All of this means a very different style of management will be needed – and that’s leadership.

So, how can you break free of the traditional manager role and instead step into the shoes of a successful leader? Here are some useful tips.

Manager vs Leader – It’s Time to Step into the Future

While on the surface a manager and a leader may seem like the same thing, the two do vary. In both roles, you will have employees under you but it’s the way that you command the team and bring about results that differs.

A manager is more of a traditional term, one that is becoming less and less useful in today’s ever-changing landscape. The term can sometimes have a negative connotation to it, as managers can be quite rigid, demanding, and unaware of what employees need to be productive and successful in their jobs. It’s almost become an outdated term and position in many businesses.

A leader, on the other hand, is one that inspires people to want to be their best. You can lead by example, setting a strong work ethic, equality in the workplace, a sense of comradery and a collaborative environment. If it’s millennials that a company is hiring, they are much more likely to respond to an inspiring and strong leader than a traditional manager. Pursuing strong leadership skills can therefore provide you with a much higher chance of success.

Enroll in a Leadership Program – Learn the Foundations

Sure, it sounds simple to be a leader rather than a traditional manager, but how do you put that into practice? That’s why the next tip is to head back to school, enroll in a leadership for millennials program and learn the foundations. This is also a great step for those who are already in the field and want to learn new more relevant skills that will keep them intouch with what’s needed today.

Some of what you may learn in a program such as this can include ethical leadership, gender dynamics in leadership, leading organizational change, the dynamics of business and strategic planning, and business communication and research.

Keep Your Mind Open to Change

Finally, it’s important you stay open to change. Millennials are bringing a whole new energy and dynamic to the workplace and rather than fear change, why not embrace it and even find ways to flourish and tap into skills you may not have realized you possess?

If you want to find a way to stay relevant, offer the kinds of skills and knowledge that companies are looking for and aim for those upper-level jobs, then you must learn how to be a strong leader.