A professional cleaning service can provide a weekly or bi-weekly, help-around-the-house cleaning service of residential properties, which can help keep your clients happy. The benefits a cleaning service provides anyone include making clean-up easier and saving household money.

In 2020, the average American home is spending about $836 for housekeeping supplies. There are those that prefer getting a cleaning service as it may save them some time and effort aside from money in doing so.

Starting your own cleaning business doesn’t have to be complicated.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about starting a cleaning company.

1. Starting a Cleaning Company: Create a Business Plan

This will help you find out how much money you need to start the company and how much you need to charge for your services.Will you offer residential or commercial cleaning? Or, will you offer both?

There are business consultants like Debbie Sardone Consulting that specialize in helping new business owners start a cleaning business.

2. Finding the Right Employees

You want to find people who will be punctual, detail-oriented, and respectful of your customers’ homes.

Start by advertising your cleaning company in local newspapers and online job boards. Ask for references from each potential employee and check those references carefully.

Interview each potential employee in person to get a better sense of their work ethic and personality.

Once you’ve hired your employees, be sure to train them thoroughly on your company’s policies and procedures.

3. Building a Client Base

One way to start building a client base for your cleaning business is by offering your services to friends, family, and neighbors first. You can also build a client base by joining local networking groups or by creating a website for your new business. Another way to find clients is to offer your services to businesses in your area.

4. Learning the Cleaning Business

That means understanding the types of cleaning services available, the equipment and supplies you’ll need, and the most effective cleaning techniques. Having the proper knowledge will improve the quality of our service.

5. Marketing Your Business

You can do this by creating a website, handing out flyers, or placing ads in local newspapers or online directories. You will need to make sure that you are offering competitive prices for your services.

Success in the Cleaning Industry

We should have a business plan before starting a cleaning company. We should learn the basics of the business and how to build a client base.

Make sure that you hire professional employees to provide the best quality cleaning service to all of your clients.

Success is in the details. Make sure to check our blog for more tips and tricks to help you navigate entrepreneurship and more.