Are you making a poor decision about gun ownership because of a few simple myths? 

A gun is a versatile tool that many people use for both hunting and self-defense. When handled incorrectly, these firearms can cause a lot more harm than you intend. 

Because of this, many myths have been circulated to either poke fun at gun owners or scare people into not owning a firearm. However, many of these gun ownership myths aren’t based on facts. 

To learn more about how to identify the most common gun ownership myths, just keep reading. We’ll help you separate the truth from fiction. 

Anyone Can Easily Buy a Gun

One of the biggest myths is that anyone can easily buy a gun. In reality, there are stringent processes in place to make purchasing a gun difficult and ensure that only those who should have access to weapons can get them. Federal and state law background checks for all gun purchasers, preventing those with felony convictions or a history of mental health issues from obtaining firearms. 

Furthermore, waiting periods exist in some states. This is to allow time for background checks to complete, and certain individuals may be prohibited from owning firearms. The truth is that those who should not have access to firearms are not easily able to buy them. 

Gun Control Laws Reduce Crime

One such myth is that gun control laws reduce crime. This is false that firearm homicides have declined even as gun ownership has risen. Yet, several studies have found that broad-based restrictions on firearms access had no meaningful impact on firearm homicide or violent crime rates.

This can attribute to the fact that gun safety and crime prevention efforts like background checks and responsible storage are more effective than gun control laws at reducing gun death and injury. You should not fear gun ownership if you take proper safety measures and ask some guidance from weapons offence lawyer toronto.

Guns Are Involved in Accidents

One of the most prevalent gun ownership myths is that guns are involved in lots of accidents. On the contrary, data analysis has revealed that the lowest risk for an accident due to a firearm is for those households that own guns.

Accidents occur when firearms are handled and stored improperly. It also happens when the user does not have the proper safety training.

The biggest risk factor for an accidental death from a firearm is not gun ownership, but socioeconomic factors. This could include living in a high-crime or poverty-stricken area.

As a result, proper storage and training are key to keeping gun ownership safe. With responsible gun ownership and proper safety protocols, gun owners can protect themselves and their families from the possibility of an accidental firearm casualty.

To be much safer, you can get a Bravo Concealment holster to keep your best firearm under control when it’s not in your hands. These holsters provide exceptional gun retention and keep your gun secure to avoid accidents. 

Only Criminals Use Guns

One of the most common gun ownership myths that exist today is the notion that only criminals use guns. This is not true. The vast majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens, ordinary individuals who use guns for a variety of activities such as target shooting, hunting, and even self-defense. 

Also, the presence of guns in and of itself does not lead to greater levels of crime or violence. Residents who live in households with guns are as likely to be victims of violent crime as those who do not. The idea that gun owners are only criminals is an oversimplification.

And one that should immediately help protect the rights of law-abiding citizens. 

Deadliest Murderous Weapons Are Firearms

Despite what many people believe, most gun ownership myths are baseless. Firearms are to be the deadliest and most murderous weapon, but this isn’t true. The truth is, most homicides in the United States are committed with non-firearm weapons like knives and blunt objects. 

Of course, none of this discredits the fact that firearms are deadly and can be as deadly as other weapons in the wrong hands. But, owning a firearm does not mean that one is at greater risk of becoming the victim of a crime.

While certain high-crime areas may see a dramatic increase in firearm-related deaths, general ownership of firearms does not correlate and is no more dangerous than owning a knife or a baseball bat. In short, owning a firearm does not increase the likelihood of becoming the victim of a crime, and owning a firearm does not make one any more likely to act maliciously than with any other weapon. 

Hollow Point Bullet Is Illegal

One of the more believed gun ownership myths that exist today is that hollow point bullets are illegal. The truth, however, is that hollow-point bullets are legal and, for most states, are the bullet of choice for self-defense. Though the bullet creates a larger wound channel, there are no laws that directly target this type of ammunition. 

Hollow point bullets are designed to expand upon impact, hence their longer name, and are a safer alternative to some full metal jacketed bullets which often pass through their target without stopping. So while hollow point bullets can use for hunting, they are widely used for self-defense, which is the favored choice by far. 

Schools Have Become Shooting Galleries

The most common gun ownership myths today have to do with the notion that schools have become shooting galleries. This could not be further from the truth. Studies have found that violent crime in schools is decreasing.

And most of these shootings occur in areas where the ownership of firearms is restricted. Gun rights organizations like the NRA have pushed the opposite narrative. But the truth is that far fewer firearms are now owned and used in school shootings than ever before.

Even in the wake of tragic occurrences, the number of victims is often indicative of the situation is far more isolated and avoidable than a “school shooting” may imply. Gun owners must take responsibility for their firearms. They must ensure that they store, maintain, and use it properly.

It is not the guns that create the danger, but the irresponsible individuals who mismanage and misuse them.

Fire a Warning Shot First

One of the most confusing myths centers on the action of “warning shots” before the firing of an actual gunshot. An often-cited rumor goes that a warning shot is necessary before firing a gun at someone, which is false. Firing a warning shot is rarely necessary and can also be dangerous, and oftentimes illegal. 

The implication of firing a warning shot can lead to a person getting charged with attempted murder and longer jail sentences, as it suggests an intent to use deadly force. Warning shots are also not necessary from a self-defense perspective as showing your gun often discourages an assailant from continuing. The bottom line is shooting a warning shot is not a safe or legal practice and should be avoided at all costs. 

Small Child Cannot Pull a Trigger

A common gun ownership myth today is that a small child cannot pull the trigger of a gun. This belief is false because any individual regardless of size can pull the trigger of a gun if it has been cocked and loaded. While this is the case, that does not mean it is easy for a child such as a toddler to pull the trigger of a gun, as this depends on the strength of the individual. 

There is a spring release of the firing pin which requires a certain amount of force to actuate. Additionally, many guns also come with a safety mechanism that needs to disengage before the gun is ready to fire, which is harder for someone with lesser strength and coordination, like small children. Therefore, it’s inherently difficult for a child to reload and fire a handgun, but not impossible. 

Guns Are Unsafe

The most common gun ownership myth is that guns are inherently unsafe and should be avoided. This is not true. While guns can be dangerous if used improperly, when used safely, guns can be an essential tool for self-defense and recreational use. 

When handled responsibly and stored securely, guns are no more dangerous than any other household item. In addition, federal and state governments have enacted numerous laws to help ensure safe use and ownership. Therefore, while gun ownership is not without risk, you can cut risk through proper education and training.

Gun Ownership

Some of the most held myths about gun ownership are misguided or incorrect. There is no compelling evidence to support them. The best way to educate yourself on the facts behind firearms is to do your research and consult with local law enforcement and gun safety experts. 

Take action now and learn more about gun ownership to ensure reasonable approaches that keep our communities safe. 

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