More than 20 million people in the United States have nerve damage, which is also called peripheral neuropathy.
But, what causes nerve damage? And can it be reversed?
Read on to find out what might have caused your problem and how to repair nerve damage.
Causes of Nerve Damage
There are lots of different things that can result in nerve damage. One of the common causes of nerve damage and neuropathic pain is diabetic neuropathy. Over half of people with diabetes eventually suffer from some sort of nerve damage, and it can get worse as the disease continues.
If you end up physically injured, like in a car accident, it can in some cases result in nerve damage. Abusing drugs and alcohol can cause nerve damage over time.
Nerve damage can also be a sign that you’re suffering from a motor neuron disease. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, for example, causes nerve damage that gets worse over time.
And, some infectious diseases can cause nerve damage. Lyme Disease is one type of infectious disease that can eventually result in nerve damage. There is some evidence that COVID-19 may result in nerve damage.
Other conditions that can cause nerve damage include:
- Guillaume-Barre syndrome
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- Different types of cancer
- Having an underactive thyroid
- Hepatitis B and C
- Shingles
Other things may cause nerve damage, so if you suspect it might be a problem for you, you may want to talk to a doctor.
How to Repair Nerve Damage
Depending on the cause of your nerve damage, there may be options when it comes to reversing the damage. Of course, if your nerve damage is caused by a vitamin deficiency, rectifying the deficiency will at least stop the damage from being exacerbated.
If your nerves were physically damaged or compressed, there may be surgical options to help you repair the damage. There are also options that won’t reverse the damage, but can help you function better and reduce pain levels.
Physical therapy and exercise can be beneficial. You can also use braces or splints depending on where your nerve damage is located.
There are also constantly experimental studies done that help to improve the ways we repair nerve damage. Studies have shown, for example, that raising energy levels could help nerve damage repair itself.
If you suspect you have diabetic neuropathy, it’s important that you see a doctor ASAP so that you can get the problem addressed.
You can visit a stem cell treatment center and see what your options are for reversing your nerve damage.
Start Feeling Better Today
Now that you have some idea of how to repair nerve damage, it’s time to get treatment. So, do a lot of research, and find out what might work for you.
Do you need more advice about your health and more? Take a look at some of our other informative posts on related topics.