Thomas Ronald Washington was a fictional character created by Francesca Sloane and Karen Joseph Adcock in the television series Atlanta. Washington was a passionate animator whose dream was to work for Disney since he was a child.

 The character of Thomas was based on the first black Disney employee who would climb one of the greatest institutional ladders and become the first black CEO at Disney. In the series, Thompson became a Walt Disney CEO following the 1992 Los Angeles Riot.

Early life and Education

Thomas Ronald Washington was born and raised in Georgia where he attended the Savanna College of Design and Art to peruse his passion for animation. Since his early years, Washington was captivated by the world of animation and his biggest dream was to work for Disney. This dream fueled his determination to pursue a career in this field.

During his college years, Thomas was able to hone his animation skills, showcasing an immersed dedication and talent. His hard work paid off when he was offered an internship program at the Walt Disney Company during his final year of college. This opportunity allowed him to gain valuable experience in the field of animation while also learning about Disney’s professions.

After a successful completion of his internship, Thomas began dabbling with animation where he attended a seminar given by Art Babbitt the animator who created goofy film where he was shortly hired by Disney. His exceptional skills would later catch the attention of top executives in Disney leading to him being appointed as the company’s CEO after the Los Angeles Riots in 1992.

Age and Height

Thomas Ronald Washington existed in the realm of fiction where his age is not mentioned but estimated to be late forties. The creators of the Atlanta series Francesca Sloane and  

Karen Joseph Adock does not provide specific details regarding Thomas’s height and age or year of birth. This was done to maintain the integrity of their story.

Family and Relationship

Thomas grew up in a small town in Georgia where he would spend most of his childhood days at his grandmother’s house because she had a big TV, DVD, and VCD. Here is where he developed a deep love for animation and cartoons which he later went to pursue at Savanna College.

During his time working at Disney, Thomas met Annie and married her. Together they had a son Maxwell. Maxwell was later enrolled at Sana school where he honed artistic skills under the guidance of his father and other renowned mentors.

However, when Washington’s career took off at Disney and began to produce an original movie the goofy story . He became abusive to his partner and son which later resulted in a divorce from Annie.


Thomas’s early career began as an intern at Disney where he was eager to learn about animation from the best in the industry. Thomas’s talent and dedication quickly caught the attention of his superiors and his potential was quickly recognized. Over the years he worked on various projects where he showcased leadership abilities and creativity.

Thomas’s breakthrough in his career came when he was appointed as the head of animation at Disney. Here, he produced and directed an original film goofy movie that addressed issues relating to the African American culture. In the movie, Thomas recruited his fellow black-colored Disney artist Frank Roll to direct the movie. Washinton utilized the story of Goofy in the movie to illustrate the issues faced by the colored father.

Also, During the creation of the movie project, he used Maxwell his son as an inspiration for Max Goof’s character.  Maxwell is the only child of Thomas whom he had with Annie after their short marriage together. His genuine bond with his son inspired various scenes such as Max and Goofy’s camping vacation with his son since he had a close relationship with him.

Additionally, Washington was later appointed as the CEO of Disney following the company’s loss of their previous CEO as a result of increased racial tension and health issues. Washinton’s appointment as the Disney CEO was a typing error from the executive board leading to the installation of a colored CEO. Disney decided to move forward with the mistaken hiring despite being uncomfortable with the optics.

While working on the Goofy movie, Thomas established a new colored Utopia. He sought to demonstrate the ‘structural aspect’ of Goofy and his relationship with his only child Maxwell. Thomas’s Family members and teammates recall how his infatuation with Goofy became extreme. He worked with radical organizations and local gangs to form ties while employing Islam nation members as protection.

However, during the production of the film Goofy, Washington begun to abuse his wife and son verbally which resulted in the divorce of the spouses. This conduct led Disney Walt to doubt his ability to lead particularly when he began to portray the characteristics of Goofy including his laughter. Disney was forced to offer him $75 million to terminate his employment but he refused to resign.

Net worth

Thomas’s net worth cannot be ascertained because he was a fictional character. However, based on his high-ranking position at Disney, and numerous accomplishments in his career, it can be assumed that he amassed considerable wealth.


Thomas went missing in 1995 after he observed the change in Disney management and the ending of his film. His vehicle was discovered in the Lake where he used to go fishing with his son but his body was never found. His legacy continues to inspire people from all walks of life to pursue their dreams fearlessly while cherishing their loved ones along the way.


In sum, many questions continue to emerge on whether Thomas’s character was based on a true story. However, the answer to this question is that Thomas’s character was not based on a true story although the story behind him provides interesting commentary on the entertainment industry and the challenges that are faced by the black creatives. Thomas’s character continues to inspire people from all walks of life to pursue their dreams fearlessly while cherishing their loved ones along the way.