The good ol’ USA is undergoing big changes in the legal and business worlds. The passing of new online gambling laws has given many state economies a boost and changed the way gambling has to be defined in the law. Most states have had legal lottery and betting on horse races for a long time, and many also have casinos. However, the sheer amount of options provided by online casinos and sportsbooks apps is like nothing seen before. Now, people all over the country can spend time at the slots whenever they want. Or they can throw money on their favorite sports team in hopes of winning big.

The reason for all of this change is an old prohibition called PAPSA. It was recently repealed, which led to this sudden surge in online gambling’s popularity. Below, we’ll detail just how the end of PAPSA affected gambling laws and industry in the US. 

How PAPSA Ended

PAPSA was a years-old prohibition on sports betting and gambling that was US law. It meant that there could be no gambling outside of casinos, and no sports betting at all outside of Las Vegas. In 2018, the Supreme Court repealed the prohibition. Without PAPSA, states were free to decide on gambling laws for themselves. Several states seized on the chance right away, passing measures to allow online gambling and sports betting. These two in particular were key, as they led to more people gambling than ever before. 

The online aspect of gambling makes it more available to more people. It also changes the way consumers interact with the hobby. Now, with promo codes, you can get a head start with free plays or even extra money in your digital wallet. This is a big difference from normal casinos, where you’re only as good as the cash you have on hand. Online casinos are also available 24/7, so you can play whenever you want on your own terms. With PAPSA gone, the industry of gambling is changing from a casino-based experience to a more user-friendly online game. 

With that change comes a need to redefine the rules. Many gambling laws were written years ago with in-person gaming in mind. Newer laws have to consider that gambling now isn’t really taking place anywhere specific. This has led to new wording, such as declaring that online gambling takes place wherever the servers are located for legal purposes. 

Sports Betting Is A Star

As of now, the majority of US states have legalized online gambling and sports betting. The only ones that have yet to get measures passed are Alaska, Idaho, California, Utah, Minnesota, Missouri, Kentucky, Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine. 

These holdouts are being swayed, however, by the large revenue numbers seen in states that have adopted online gambling. Sports betting, in particular, has made a strong showing. States like Michigan and Pennsylvania, despite not being known for their gambling, make millions a month in sports betting and online casino revenue. Pennsylvania has been especially big when it comes to sports betting. Pennsylvania sports betting numbers have rivaled Atlantic City in some months, showing how any state has the potential to foster a strong gambling community. In the case of PA, it has also bolstered tourism. The addition of any time, anywhere sports betting to the rest of PA’s wonderful attractions makes the state even more of an exciting place to visit. 

What’s Next For Gambling Legislation

Online gambling is proving to be a very profitable business, and is unlike many businesses that take longer to get started. The near-instant profits from US states has inspired other locations like Ontario, Canada. Ontario is about to expand its own sports betting laws, and its betting apps might include wagers for esports, awards shows, and even political betting. That could be a direction we see US gambling go in next. If online gambling continues to show such growth, expect serious conversations on the legality of betting on events that aren’t sports.