More than 70% of people in the United States planned to redecorate their homes last year.

With people working from home and spending more time with their families, they are wanting to improve their living spaces.

A great way to enjoy your home is by redecorating to match your needs and style.

Read on to learn some of the best tips on how to decorate a house by turning your ideas into reality!

1. Use Neutrals as a Foundation

One of the best tips on how to decorate a house is to use neutrals as a foundation.

Neutral colored walls and furniture make it easier to decorate and change themes over the years. Creams, gray, and pastel colors look excellent on walls and they also make your colorful decor stand out!

Painting the walls bright can distract guests from your decorations and thoughtful designs.

2. Find Inspiration in Nature

Have you ever noticed that you are more relaxed when you are in the heart of nature?

Green grass, plants, and water can be soothing inside and outside of the house. Not only will the plants help purify the air but they will also add pops of color.

3. Layer Textures

Many people search for home decor tips when they decorate a room but it looks incomplete.

In most cases, adding depth and details to the room can help. The best way to do this is by utilizing different textures. Blankets, furniture, and rugs can add depth to your rooms, no matter what season it is.

An interior designer can help you balance textures and tones in the room. They have experience and knowledge about how people perceive colors and items when they look at them.

4. Highlight Art Pieces

Artwork is a common choice for interior decor because people find meaning behind it and it acts as a talking piece.

Whether you want to buy a classic painting or a custom sculpture, you can highlight your piece and make it the epicenter of your home. Artwork can be perceived in many ways, so people find it interesting to learn about their guests’ interpretations.

5. Explore Different Styles

If you like farmhouse, modern, and minimalist designs, but can’t choose just one— Don’t!

You can explore all of the styles and themes you are interested in and incorporate them together. Different themes help compliment each other and if it is too difficult to do throughout the house, go from room to room. For example, the kitchen could be modern with a farmhouse twist while the living room is rustic.

Do You Know How to Decorate a House Effectively?

Learning tips about how to decorate a house can help when you have a vision that isn’t coming together.

House decorations won’t stand out unless you layer them in neutral colors that won’t distract from the meaningful artwork. Don’t be afraid to play with different textures and themes, when done correctly, it can create a unique style that matches your personality.

Try not to get too caught up in trends and find something that fits your lifestyle and the mood you want to create.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about decorating a home and designing a house you love!