Despite the economics that constantly change our employment picture, employers will always need nurses, which is why nurse staffing agencies do not typically have very many candidates for hire; most are already working. If you are starting a nurse staffing agency, you are doing so at exactly the right time. Nurse staffing needs have never been higher and the issues that surround overworked nurses continue. Starting your nurse staffing agency at this time will not only provide a successful launch for your company, it will also enable nurses to reconsider brutal working conditions to sign with your agency in a new, respected position.  In this article, you’ll discover steps to help form your nurse staffing agency and propel it toward long-term growth and success. Let’s get started! 

Step 1:  Research Clients and Candidates

In the nurse staffing agency business, the relationships built with prospective clients who will hire your nurse candidates will define the backbone of your company. Because these relationships are critical to your success, you’ll want to ensure you and your staff will do everything possible to assist them.  

Relationships that are established early on will thrive with the careful selection of candidates who carry the credentials and positions needed by your client. Nurse candidates must be properly vetted and experienced for each position. Analyze potential clients and examine which positions are needed in order to form a correct picture of the nurse staffing situation in each location. Build relationships with your clients that suggest you are always ready to assist them, particularly during nurse shortages. 

When looking for nurse candidates, you’ll want to consider the qualifications and background of potential candidates. Establish relationships with candidates that are respectful and trustworthy; respectful behavior will lead to referrals to your agency by nurses who’ve been successfully placed by your agency. 

 Step 2.  Analyze Competitors

The competition for nurse staffing agencies is intense in most parts of the U.S., however, with strategic plans in place, your agency can overcome competitors and come out on top. First, perform basic research on the competitors within your region. What are their pricing models? How many nurse candidates are placed through that agency? Do your competitors offer any special or unique value for using their services? You’ll want to consider various ways to overcome the efforts of your competitors to win the clients and candidates for placement. 

Step 3:  Build your Business Plan

A business plan is the roadmap for your entire nurse staffing agency. Within your nurse staffing agency, every part of your business is detailed; including  finances, marketing, staffing, operations, forecasting and more. Creating a working business plan with a five-year projection outline will allow your nurse staffing agency to forecast years in advance, even during the startup phase of the business. If you don’t have an excellent business plan for a staffing agency use this comprehensive guide. 

In addition to creating the roadmap for your business, a well-crafted business plan will outline your goals and include key metrics that indicate growth or areas that could use improvement. The business plan can be used to obtain funding from investors, lenders, financial institutions or banks. Refer to your business plan during the first five years of your agency to be reminded of the significance it holds. 

4:  Apply Inventive Marketing Strategies

A large part of your nurse staffing agency business will be in conversations with potential clients and nurse candidates. These relationships form the backbone of your agency and, given time and care, will fully support your agency throughout the life of your business. To remain invested in your relationships and convey your interest to potential clients and candidates, you’ll want to effectively market your nurse staffing agency.

How can you best represent the services that your nurse staffing agency brings to the regional area? Consider using some of the following tools:

  • Build or refresh a dynamic website, including links that stream easily to click-through services. 
  • Offer clients the opportunity to reserve nurse interviews online and create a Q & A section on the website to answer common questions. 
  • Have a “Take Lunch to Your Fav Nurses” Day and take pizzas to the nurses who are or have been your candidates. 
  • Take your clients to lunch, as well, along with the staff members. 

Step 5:  Select a Winning Location

Prior to your startup date, you’ll want to consider areas around the hospitals in your region to determine which location will be best for your nurse staffing agency. Look for an office that can hold several people at a time, with adequate parking spaces, and a flex environment for the staff. 

Launching a nurse staffing agency is vital to the nursing industry in today’s world. The nurse candidates and clients can successfully engage as you lead both to a satisfying placement.  Refer to your business plan frequently and continue to build your nurse staffing agency toward long-term growth. We wish you the best of success!