Maybe you’ve been putting in the hours at the office and saving up
some money. Perhaps you’ve recently come into some money through
inheritance. Maybe you got lucky with a lottery ticket. Whatever the
case, you’ve got ten grand that needs spending immediately. Where do
you even begin to put it to use?
Why not create your own company? If you want to start with a
manageable amount of capital, you can forego the low-hanging fruit of
business ideas and try something more ambitious.
Buying or starting a business seems scary, people start assuming big
money is needed, a bank loan and investors…but that is not always the
case, you can start many businesses under 10k and even buy
businesses under 10K.
There is startups that are looking to sell websites due to financial issues
or even had a change of plans and need to leave the country so selling
it as is can run you around $3000
There is many benefits of buying a startup, one is you can take it and
bring it to the next stage, second is you dont have to dea with the
development and building, third if the business is disribtuion route you
can buy the customers out, businesses like routes for sale dont come
with much inventory, the assets is in the accounts which are the
In this article will list a few businesses you can start or buy for a few
dollars and there is a article attached from bizroutes that shows you
how there is ways to buy a business with no money!

Buy a business with little to no investment

Buying an established company is a huge undertaking, especially for
those who have never done so. While in certain cases creating a new
company in a given market may seem like the better option, nothing
beats the importance of knowing how a successful company operates.
There are many ways to fund a startup and a few tricks in this article on
buying a business with no money

Buying a route

Buying a route like bread delivery, or vending machines routes are a
great option, some businesses may sell a route with 10-15 customers
but those 15 customers can generate you $30k a year and your job
will be to keep getting more customers

Becoming a reseller

Have you ever wanted to help people get business loans? Or how
abut help people establish good credit? There is many companies
that offer programs like a white label reseller which allows you to
build a brand under them, the cost to start this business will cost a
website and a logo, after getting a business name and EIN number
you can rock and roll!

Senior care business

The average age of the population is steadily increasing. As a result of
the high cost of senior care facilities, many elderly people would rather
age in place. Start-up costs for a firm that provides in-home care for
the elderly are relatively low.
Unless you also happen to be a medical doctor, you can consider this a
“non-medical” senior care business that focuses on feeding and caring
for seniors rather than treating them for medical issues. The aging of
the enormous baby boomer group and the general trend toward longer
life expectancies both bode well for this sector.

Start an online store

These days, opening a shop doesn’t need leasing a costly retail space
or purchasing ostentatious fixtures and fittings. Launching a successful
business from the comfort of your sofa is now possible by opening an
online storefront. Why shouldn’t you start your own business? Tens of
thousands of other people have done it.
Create your own website to market your wares. You might also use a
third-party platform like Amazon, eBay, or Shopify to set up your store.
You may outsource everything from stocktaking to packing to shipment
if you want to.

Start an import-export business

While traveling, have you ever come across a product that you fell in
love with and hoped people back home would also buy? You can start
an import-export company and sell it back at home.
An import/export firm can be easily established in the modern era of
the Internet. You should focus on importing or exporting one product or
one product category. Get a website and a blog that focuses on the
product you’re attempting to sell. Gain as much knowledge as possible
about the product.

Food truck

Try operating a food truck if you have the financial means. Just keep in
mind that the cost of a truck large enough to house a mobile eatery
could be rather high. You can either buy an old one or get a new one
through a loan or lease. As a caution, you’ll need money for petrol and
advertising and local permits to serve meals.


Purchasing an already-established business is the most cost-effective
approach to entering the market. Closing the sale is crucial for a
cash-strapped buyer of an established company. You can only make a
good no-money sale if you can sell yourself to the right person in the
right way and with enough conviction, but keep in mind there is always
alot of questions you need to ask when buying a business, so do your
research and study the market and make a wise decision