Mikey’s Family and Siblings 

Mikey Lorna Tyson is the daughter of Kimberly Scarborough and Mike Tyson and is the eldest child of the undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. Born in 1991, Mikey is 31 years old as of 2021. Kimberly is an American model, who was the then-girlfriend of Tyson. Mikey’s full name is Micheal Lorna Tyson. She has been named after her father, whose full name is Micheal Gerard Tyson. 

Mikey has two half-siblings; a brother Amir Tyson and a sister, Rayna from her father’s second marriage to Monica Turner. Mikey’s last two half-siblings Milan and Morocco, the youngest of the lot are from her dad’s third marriage to Lakiha Spicer. Meanwhile, one of her half-siblings, Exodus died at the age of four while playing with the exercise treadmill on May 25, 2009. Mikey shares a close relationship with her siblings, despite being from different mothers, their bond is quite stron, reflected in their Instagram posts from time to time.

Mikey’s mom Kimberly is currently in a relationship with Mark Newkirk. Mikey also has a elder half-brother Richard, and a half-sister named Christina Barbie, from her mother’s other relationships.


Mikey Lorna Tyson is a plus-sized model and has done a number of assignments as a model, and also appeared on the cover of November 2016 Queens Size Magazine. She’s 5’8” tall and weighs around 330 lbs. Mikey resembles her father a lot. She is tall with a strong personality, and with the same face as of Mike! The way she looked, her body type, her face, her eyes, her brow, her walk from the time when she was a kid, amazed everyone around her. It was very obvious from just a glimpse of her that she was Mike’s daughter. It was very evident. Kimberly, Mikey’s mother said that she thought it was a boy when she was born because she looked so much like Mike that it was almost scary! 

Mikey’s relationship with her Father:

Mike and Kimberly were dating and Mikey is the child of their love affair. They both never got married, but Mike remained closely associated with Mikey in her later growing-up years. Mike has 7 other children, from 2 of his wives and other flings. Mikey has been a private person, and we don’t know much in detail about her, and she is not very active on any social media platforms. She posts a picture or two sometimes to keep her followers updated, but no one knows about her life in depth, as she is not a fan of paparazzi and publicity.

Mike and Mikey were never really close in her initial years as mike had a lot going on in his life, both professionally and personally. In Mikey’s initial years, Mike was facing jail time due to rape accusations, in 1992. Kimberly mentioned that he had even refused to accept her pregnancy and she was headed to abort Mikey, but she stepped back at the last moment and kept her baby alive. Kimberly stated that Tyson was anything but excited about handling fatherhood, and wasn’t handling the news well. Even “Iron Mike” also has asserted in one of his interviews that he wanted Kimberly to abort Mikey.

No one knew about Tyson’s child till she was 8 months old, as he had refused to accept her and wanted to do nothing with her. Kimberly admitted that she was put under immense pressure from Tyson’s men to make a settlement, and was offered hefty money to agree on the non-signing of Tyson on Mikey’s birth certificate. Kim finally dropped a paternity suit and won it with the help of lawyer Raoul Felder, and got Mike to accept the baby in front of the court.

As mentioned earlier, Mike was then sent to prison in 1992 for raping a beauty pageant contestant, and according to Kimberly, the prison made Mike a softer man, and a loving dad. Mikey used to visit Mike in prison during visitors’ hours and would hate when Mike had to go back to his cell. She used to cry when he would leave and asked Kimberly why daddy had to go away all the time, and why she couldn’t have more time with her daddy.

Mikey and her father grew an affectionate relationship over time, and Kimberly said that Mike took all the responsibility a father should in raising his child. Mikey spent her childhood in a decent New York apartment situated in a complex with a chain-link fence, and a tiny asphalt playground, where Mickey used to play with neighbourhood kids and her half-brother, Richard. Kimberly had mentioned that Richard used to be very excited that Mikey’s father was Mike Tyson and used to boast about it at the school.

Kimberly, Mikey’s mother, said in her Daily News interview that “Tyson at last acknowledged fatherhood. Scarborough said that although she could have won millions, she and Tyson sat down on her sofa, away from the palimony attorneys, and came to their own agreement: less than $100,000, plus monthly instalments to cover rent, schooling, medical bills, and such. Prison, said Scarborough has made Tyson a softer man and father. “He’s changed a lot in prison,” she said. “He says he can’t believe the things he did to me before.” 

Mikey’s Personal Life:

Mikey Lorna Tyson is a pretty private person as we can figure out very less from her online presence, even in 2021. Her Instagram profile has all happy pictures and which indicate that she is living happily and is proud of herself and her body. Why we mentioned her body here is a different story. Mikey has faced obesity issues from her very initial years. Her mother in her interview has even mentioned locking the fridge up she was always heading towards the fridge for food as a kid, and that she had to control her diet to prevent her from getting obese. Mike Tyson was also worried about her weight of 50 lbs as a kid, as the obesity problem ran in his genes, and his sister has suffered a lot because of that, and that’s why advised Kimberly to take better care of what Mikey eats and make sure she cuts out fats with regular workouts and took her to routine check-ups. But she lost weight as she grew up, and managed to not give in to her genetic obesity. Mikey Lorna can be seen as a body positivity icon as she doesn’t shy away from showing her true self on social media, and looks comfortable in her skin, flaunting her body and loving herself.

Mikey Lorna came into the news for a weird reason last February, when a rumor circulated that her dad Mike would give $10 Million to any man who would marry Mikey. People were talking about how Mike was concerned that no one would marry Mikey because of her weight issues. Later, Mike had to come forward and clarify that he had not given out any such proposal and that he was proud of what Mikey is today. Mike debunked the news in a day and wasn’t happy that such news was in circulation about his beloved kid. The news was originally published by Hit News.

Mikey’s Relationship Status and Net worth:

Mikey Lorna’s relationship status is not known as of now. Even though Mike said that she is in a relationship with a young, handsome man, but his identity has not been revealed to date.

Sources mention that Mikey Lorna’s net worth is around $1 Million. Her father has a net worth of around $3 Million as of 2021.

Mikey’s current life:

Mikey has been in the headlines as her father is the legend, Mike Tyson a.k.a “Iron Mike”, a.k.a “The Baddest Man on the Planet”. Mike Tyson played professional boxing from 1985-2005 and is one of the greatest players the sport has ever seen. In the league of Mohammad Ali and Ray Jones Jr, Tyson’s has a boastful legacy. 

Mike got married 3 times, and is currently with his 3rd wife Lakisha Spicer, they got married in 2009 and have two kids, Morocco and Milan Tyson. Milan is a tennis player, and she has her own fashion line, called Milan Miyla. Morocco, Mike’s son, is just growing up and loves tennis and boxing too. Mike spends more time with his family now and wants to be there in his children’s growing-up years.

Mikey Lorna Tyson has Mike Tyson’s mother’s name in her middle name, we guess, that’s also something that makes her so close to Mike Tyson’s heart. Kimberly said that Mike was really thankful that she didn’t abort Mikey, and wanted to be a proper dad to her, spending more time with her. Mike Tyson loves his eldest daughter to the core and has shown time and again that he will go to any extent to protect her dignity and honor amid the public.

Well, lucky you, Mikey Lorna Tyson!