Oregon is a state located in the Pacific Northwest. Although the climate in this region is often characterized by cloudy skies and frequent precipitation, nothing can beat the lush, beautiful flora that grows as a result.

If the beautiful natural surroundings aren’t enough to sell you on Oregon, consider the healthy lifestyle that accompanies it. With so much nature at your doorstep, locals who are conscientious about environmentalism, and such cycle-friendly infrastructure, it’s easy to keep your body in good shape.

If you need more convincing, read about the top five reasons to move to Oregon in the list below.

1. The Lack of Sales Tax

One of the financial benefits of moving to Oregon is the break from sales tax. In fact, 45 states have a sales tax, making this benefit quite rare.

It may not seem like a lot, but not paying sales tax accumulates into hundreds or thousands of dollars in savings. This is especially true for big purchases like electronics or jewelry.

Speaking of finances, start shopping for a real estate agent before you actually move to Oregon.

2. The Summers

The cloudy weather and precipitation mentioned earlier? Yeah, that all evaporates in the hotter months. Summer is perfect in the Pacific Northwest.

While southern states may have warmer winters, they also have excruciating summers. In Oregon, summer is humidity-free and you don’t even need air conditioning.

3. The Cycling

It’s easy to live an active and healthy lifestyle in Oregon. That’s because one of the most bike-friendly cities in America, Portland, is in this state.

This is because of the hundreds of miles of bike infrastructure the government has built throughout the state. You can find dedicated bike lanes, bike trails, and even rentable city bikes.

4. The Wine

Oregon is in the top five wine-producing states. There are hundreds of local wineries in the region — over 900 at last count. The cool climate and rich soil allow Oregonians to grow a diverse array of different grapes.

You don’t have to travel halfway across the world to try award-winning wines.

5. The Natural Surroundings

Although last on this least, this is certainly not the least. The nature of Oregon is probably the best reason to move to this state.

You can find mountains and sea, desert and forest, all in one state. You can explore volcanoes one day or go windsurfing the next. The lakes, waterfalls, gorges, and other natural bodies of water are too numerous to count.

It could take a lifetime to explore all the nature that Oregon has to offer. This is why Oregonians are so environmentally conscious.

Planning to Move to Oregon

If you’re planning to move to Oregon, get started today. First, research the different regions of Oregon and what they have to offer. Find a city you like in either northern Oregon, central Oregon, coastal Oregon, or southern Oregon.