Are you having trouble building and sticking to a budget?

Creating and maintaining a budget is the best way to keep track of your spending habits and set yourself up for financial success. That said, it’s also easier said than done — especially if you’re new to the concept of budgeting.

Whether you’re looking to take your budgeting skills to the next level or are just trying to get started, we’re here to help!

Here are three easy budgeting tips everyone should know.

1. Leave Some Wiggle Room

One of the most basic but most often overlooked budgeting tips out there is: never assume your budget is airtight. Life is full of the unexpected. No matter how carefully you plot out and plan your budget, there’s a good chance that some extra expense will pop up and throw off your plans.

So, when creating your budget, make sure you round up and allow yourself plenty of wiggle room for unexpected expenses and extra costs that could come along every month.

2. Revise Regularly

One thing you may not hear when learning how to budget is the importance of regular revision. While sticking to your budget is imperative to meeting your financial goals, keep in mind that it’s not written in stone.

As your life continues to change and evolve, your finances will continue to change right along with it. You may find yourself getting an unexpected raise or having to take on some costly home repairs that wipe out your savings. Regular revisions are essential for every budget to make sure your spending and saving habits continue to align and set up up to hit all of your goals.

3. Update Your Calendar

Finally, one of the most critical aspects of financial planning is paying your bills. Not only do you need to make sure you take care of all of your bills on time, but you also need to make sure you have enough in your account to cover the cost.

One of the best ways to keep a tab on when everything is due and how much you’ll need on certain days is by creating a calendar to layout and track all of your regular expenses, like bills, subscriptions, and other regularly occurring costs.

If you create a digital calendar to track upcoming payments, you’ll also be able to set alarms and reminders for yourself so you never have to worry about missing a payment ever again.

Top 3 Budgeting Tips for Beginners

Creating and maintaining a budget does not have to be as difficult as it seems. By following these three budgeting tips, you’ll be able to set up a budget that will grow and change with you while setting yourself up for financial success down the line.