It can be tough to break into the insurance sales industry, let alone make a name for yourself.

Even if you’ve been selling insurance for years, there’s always more to learn. And if you’re just starting, it can be daunting trying to figure out where to even begin.

But don’t worry. Keep reading as we’ve collected 20 of the best tips from experienced agents and compiled them into this one roundup. From cold calling tips to ways to increase your closing ratios, you’re sure to find something useful here.

1. Know Your Products

You should be able to explain the coverages and answer questions from clients.By understanding your products, you will be able to sell them more effectively.

2. Stay Up to Date on Industry Changes

Insurance is a constantly changing industry, so it’s important to stay up to date on new products, regulations, and trends.

3. Build Relationships With Clients

The best way to sell insurance is through relationships with clients. Get to know them and their families, and keep in touch even when they’re not buying policies.

4. Use a Consultative Selling Approach

When you sell insurance, it’s important to take a consultative approach. This means asking clients about their needs and goals and recommending the best policies for them.

5. Maintain a Positive Attitude

No one wants to do business with someone negative all the time. Be positive and upbeat, and your clients will appreciate it.

Also, staying motivated and focused is key to a successful insurance career. This is because it’s a challenging industry that requires a lot of hard work.

6. Generate Consistent Leads

This one is the lifeblood of any agent. No matter how good you are, if you don’t have leads coming in, your business will suffer.

There are many ways to generate leads, but it takes effort and perseverance to succeed. Some of our recommended ways of generating medicare leads include:

  • Cold Calling
  • Networking
  • Direct Mail Marketing

No matter what you choose, just keep at it and you’ll see results.

7. Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology can help you sell insurance more efficiently and effectively. Utilize social media, CRM software, and other tools to help you stay organized and connected with clients.

This can help you by automating some of your sales processes and providing you with valuable customer data. It’s always difficult to keep up with the latest technology, but it’s worth the effort in order to stay competitive.

8. Set Goals and Track Your Progress

It’s important to set goals for yourself as an insurance agent, and then track your progress towards those goals. This will help you stay on track and achieve your targets.

9. Get Certified

Certification can give you an edge over the competition and demonstrate your commitment to excellence in the insurance industry. Certifications vary depending on what type of insurance you sell, so find the one that’s right for you.

10. Stay Up to Date on Compliance Regulations

As an insurance agent, it’s important to know and comply with all compliance regulations. This will help keep you out of trouble and protect your clients.

11. Be Prepared for Objection Handling

No matter how good your insurance products are, you’re going to run into objections from clients from time to time. Be prepared to handle these objections and close the sale.

The best way to handle these objects is by having a rebuttal script prepared in advance. This rebuttal script will help you stay calm and collected when objections come up.

When you are able to handle objections effectively, you will be able to close more sales. This is because objections are often a sign that the client is interested in your product.

12. Use a Consultative Selling Approach

When you sell insurance, it’s important to take a consultative approach. This means asking clients about their needs and goals and recommending the best policies for them.

This can be applied to both new and existing clients. This is especially useful whilst cold calling. This is because you should always be prepared to show the customer that you’re knowledgeable about their specific needs.

So, when on the phone with a prospective client, always ask qualifying questions upfront so you can tailor the conversation and product recommendations to them.

And use a strong closing technique. A strong closing technique can help you seal the deal when selling insurance. There are many different techniques to choose from, so find one that works best for you and your clients.

One that we recommend is the three-step close. This involves asking the client to agree to three simple steps, such as “Can you see yourself buying this policy?” or “Can you see yourself recommending our company to others?”

13.Learn About the Client’s Industry

If you can show that you understand the client’s industry, they’ll be more likely to trust your advice when it comes to buying insurance policies.

14. Maintain a positive attitude

No one wants to do business with someone negative all the time. Be positive and upbeat, and your clients will appreciate it.

15. Use a Personal Touch

In the age of technology, it’s still important to use a personal touch when selling insurance. Get to know your clients on a personal level, and they’ll be more likely to buy policies from you.

The best way to get personal is by staying in touch even when they’re not buying policies. You can do this easily with a CRM system and email marketing.

Email marketing will also help you keep track of clients’ needs so you can better serve them when they are ready to buy policies.

It will also aid in further educating your clients on your company’s processes.

16. Know Your Competition

It’s important to know what products and services your competition offer so you can stay ahead of the curve. This knowledge will help you better serve your clients’ needs.

You should find out how your competitors are finding clients, what their rates are, and what products they’re selling.

This will help you stay ahead of the competition and sell more insurance policies.

17. Stay Up to Date on Industry Changes

Insurance is a constantly changing industry, so it’s important to stay up to date on new products, regulations, and trends. This will help you better serve your clients’ needs.

You can stay up to date by reading industry publications, attending trade shows, and networking with other professionals in the industry.

18. Network With Other Insurance Agents

Networking with other insurance agents can help you learn new techniques, get advice, and stay up to date on industry news.

The best way to start networking is by joining an industry association. Alternatively, you can attend industry events or join an online forum.

If you’d like to network via social media, then be sure to follow insurance professionals on Twitter, Linkedin, and other social media platforms.

19. Set Realistic Goals for Yourself

It’s important to set goals for yourself as an insurance agent, but it’s also important to set realistic goals. This will help keep you from becoming discouraged and give you something to work towards.

The best goal you can set at the beginning is to be a top performer for the next five years. From there, you can set incremental goals that will help you achieve that top performer status.

20. Mirror Your Clients Behavior

Being able to mirror your client’s behavior is known to increase sales. If you can act like them, they will feel more comfortable with you and be more likely to buy from you.

When mirroring, it’s important that you don’t change your personality, just act like them. For example, if they are quiet and shy, you don’t want to be over the top and loud. Just be yourself and act as they do.

Sales are all about building relationships with clients, and mirroring their behavior is a great way to do that

Increase Your Insurance Sales Starting Today

That’s a wrap on our roundup of 20 practical insurance sales tips! We hope you found this information helpful and that it will lead to a successful year in your insurance career. The insurance selling tips in this roundup are practical and actionable, no matter your experience level.

If you’re new to the industry, these tips will help you get started on the right foot. And if you’re a veteran agent, there’s probably something here for you too!

Be sure to check out our blog for more helpful advice like this