Video production in Australia is a $3 billion business at the moment. Learn as much about video content as possible so you can get the best marketing results. You also need to team up with professionals that can help you. 

So how can you find the best video production experts that Australia has to offer? We’d be more than happy to explain. 

Consider these tips when you’re searching for a video production company to do business with. 

Decide on the Style You Need

Consider your brand or business’ video production needs and what you’re hoping to accomplish. Australia’s video production companies specialize in several different styles that you can put to use. 

Some video specialties include product videos, vlogs, and corporate video production. Others specialize in testimonials and educational videos. Choosing a company that offers what you need ensures that your multimedia hits the mark. 

Ask About Their Prior Portfolio

Do business with a video production company that you confidently believe will deliver the best finished product. There’s no better way to gauge this than checkout out their previous work. 

Many companies publish portfolios on their website or YouTube for you to browse freely. Go through specific video pieces and ask what editing software was used, how long it took to shoot, and what price range they charged for it.

Gauge the quality of the work finished piece and whether it hit its intended target. Consider the tone, audio and video quality, pacing, and results of their video content. 

Know Your Timetable and Deadline Needs

You need a professional that can move your project from concept, to script, to shoot date, to rough and final cuts. Communication is the most important skill for any video production pro you hire. 

They have to communicate how they’ll make your vision a reality, and then set and hit hard deadlines. Ask about the estimated time of completion of any video packages you’re collaborating on and get it in writing. 

Find out whether they handle their editing in-house, or if they outsource the task to other professionals. Learn who you’ll be communicating with during the editing process and how many decisions you get to make before the final cut is produced. 

Having a say in the editing process helps you include graphics and suggestions that assist with the pacing and storytelling. 

Meet Up and Discuss Content Plans

Hire a company that can hash out video content plans with you. During the consultation, the company should be able to explain strategies for how they’ll get results with your video content. 

A video production company can help you track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These include impressions, view-through rate, traffic, unique visitors, and subscribers. 

Find Out Their Prices and Rates

You have to also learn how much these video marketing professionals charge for their services. Studying their rates and asking for price quotes will help you find the best fit. 

Speak to about five different video production companies so that you can compare the prices that they’re charging. Find out if they charge by the hour for the shoot, a flat rate for the entire project, or on a retainer basis for ongoing marketing projects. 

Find Referrals and Reviews

Scour reviews to glean a lot about the video production company that you’re considering doing business with. Check out their listings with Yelp, Google My Business, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACC) to learn about their business practices. 

You might also look up their history with the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Fair Trading. Study their prior track record and whether consumers have filed formal complaints or lawsuits. Stick to companies with a clean record, or make sure to ask questions during your initial consultation. 

You should also speak to other companies and brands you know that have hired video production services. Find out which company they hired and get the play-by-play of how the relationship went. 

Make Sure They Understand SEO

Any video production company that you hire should have a strong understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Strong SEO skills assures that you’re receiving excellent video production and content that will get you to the top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) on Google and other search engines. 

SEO-oriented video production pros will use the best keywords and metatags, in addition to hitting other important metrics for video SEO. You will also appreciate that your videos are optimized for mobile, which is largely rewarding for your SEO needs. 

Ask About a Trial Period

It’s always best to try out a relationship with a company to see if it’s a good long-term fit. Approach the company with a small project first, and gauge the process and their responsiveness to your needs. 

Once you feel comfortable with everything from the quality of the work to their communication and professionalism, you’ll feel more comfortable moving forward with a long-term contract. 

Click on to read up on some quality video production services and what they entail.

Find the Best Video Production Company in Australia

The points above will assist you when you’re trying to find a quality video production company. Video is the most important type of content that you can produce today. People watch it voraciously on all their devices. 

You’ll always stand a chance of getting the traffic and attention that you need when you have the help of a video production company that is skilled and professional. 

Check out our other articles when you’d like to learn more about video production, SEO, and social media marketing.