Did you know 49 percent of marketers report that organic searches have the best marketing return on investment of any marketing channel? Search engine optimization, or SEO, is crucial for boosting your website up in search engine results to allow people performing organic searches to find your content.

Writing SEO-friendly content is what works best. But how can you create content that is SEO friendly as well as substantive? Read on to learn essential tips for creating SEO-friendly content.

1. SEO-Friendly Content: Start With Keyword Research

You need to know what keywords people are using when they need your services or products. Have a primary keyword in mind and dig deeper to find related words.

Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on long-tail keywords. Even though they have a low search volume, they still offer a high possibility of ranking on a search engine result page.

Watch out for keyword cannibalization. If you use too many similar keywords on your blog posts or website pages, search engines will not know which to prioritize. Your content will be competing with itself.

By performing in-depth research on the keywords you want to target and combining content that uses the same primary keywords, you can avoid keyword cannibalization while still creating content that will attract the right users.

2. Write Catchy Titles

One of the most important content marketing strategies you need to apply to your site is to write catchy titles for all of your content.

To ensure your title ranks higher, you want to optimize it for SEO. Use your target keyword in the title, preferably at the beginning, and keep your title to around 60 characters. Ensure the title encapsulates what the rest of the content is about.

3. Optimize Meta Title and Description

Meta title tags are a vital HTML element you create incorporating targeted keywords. The title tags will help with click-through rates and will rank your page higher in SERPs. The metal title can be similar to the content’s H1 tag, but it does not have to be identical.

Your content’s meta description is a summary that search engines show beneath your title on the results page. The meta description should include what your content is about and should contain your target keywords. Keep it between 155 and 160 characters.

Create a unique meta description for every web page and add a value proposition to it.

Boost Your Visibility With SEO

Allow your site to get the visibility it deserves by writing SEO-friendly content. If you do not know how to tackle SEO or you do not have time to do so, don’t despair. There are always content creation services ready to help.

Learn more about the best SEO practices by turning to our SEO page!