Are you interested in learning more about philanthropic foundations that give back to society?

In today’s society, there is a wide range of work that needs to be done. Many charities are working towards helping people in need, making the world a better place for everyone to live. There are grassroots movements that have shaped these large charities.

Many wealthy families use the wealth of their organization to run their charities. Many good things come from philanthropic foundations that give back to society.

In this article, we’ll highlight a few such charitable foundations that you should read about.

1. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic foundations of today. The foundation is one of the largest private foundations in the world.

Their mission is to improve access to quality healthcare. They also try to reduce extreme poverty for people around the world. They also focus on expanding educational opportunities for young people. They strive to have easy access to information technology in lower-income countries.

They also fund research and development of food crops, medicines, and other healthcare innovations. The foundation has made multi-billion dollar commitments to the following:

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Global development.

2. Ford Foundation

It has been providing financial support since 1936. It focuses on advancing economic and social justice social causes. They also address the challenges of community development, gender equality, human rights, and education. The grants target the following:

  • Poverty
  • Social justice
  • Humanitarian crisis
  • Environmental reforms

The Ford Foundation has provided grants to several organizations and initiatives focused on youth for health, education, and social entrepreneurship. It has also backed initiatives to prevent and address human trafficking. The Ford Foundation has provided resources for projects related to the following:

  • Climate change
  • Educational sustainability
  • Poverty

3. Rockefeller Foundation

The focus of this foundation is to help find solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues such as access to quality healthcare, economic mobility, access to reliable and sustainable energy for all, agricultural development, resilience of coastal communities, inclusive food systems, prevention of child mortality, and others. The foundation works with partners around the world to maximize its impact. They focus on investing in strategies that enable local and regional leadership and create sustained and systemic change.

One example is the foundation’s Smart Power project, which supports catalytic new market-based approaches that use energy as a driver of development. Through these initiatives, the Rockefeller Foundation continues to be a leader in philanthropy. They are one of today’s most respected powerhouses for giving back.

4. Open Society Foundations

The mission of this foundation is to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media. It was founded in 1979 by businessman and philanthropist George Soros and now operates in more than 100 countries around the world. It supports hundreds of initiatives around the world in areas such as:

  • Democracy
  • Human rights
  • Economic justice
  • Racial reform 

It helps promote an open society by advocating for the rule of law, free expression, and responsible government. With its heavyweight resources, the Open Society Foundation has been at the forefront of giving back to society and is rightfully one of the top philanthropic foundations in the world.

5. Wellcome Trust

It is a charity created by Sir Henry Wellcome, a British pharmacist, and philanthropist, that focuses on health and science research. It predominantly funds researchers in the UK and African countries. Over 107,000 of them since 1936. Wellcome Trust has an impressive portfolio and a wide-reaching network that empowers the following:

  • Research and development
  • Progress in health
  • Science for Humankind

6. Bloomberg Philanthropies

The mission of this foundation is to help bring about lasting change for those most in need by focusing on solutions to global problems. The foundation has invested in various projects, ranging from public health initiatives to climate adaptation and conservation efforts. Through a combination of grant-making, partnerships, advocacy, and government activities, Bloomberg Philanthropies has not only changed the lives of those served, but has contributed to a healthier, safer, and more fair world.

7. Carnegie Corporation of New York

The foundation works to promote global progress in what they call the four fields of education: international peace and security, culture, and science. Carnegie’s philanthropic efforts have helped to make a lasting impact in these four fields. They help fund programs that empower individuals and communities throughout the world. The programs include educational initiatives like the following:

  • College scholarships
  • College Fellowships
  • Grants for libraries
  • Grants for schools
  • Grants for museums.

Its international efforts focus on combating violent conflict from terrorism, large-scale famine prevention, and conflict resolution. Carnegie is both committed to addressing problems in the present as well as those at risk in the future.

8. John Arnold and Michael Faye

Arnold is a former hedge fund manager and Faye is an entrepreneur who founded two of the world’s most successful philanthropic foundations today. John Arnold revealed a year ago his plan to pour an estimated $2 billion into non-profit organizations over a decade and is now recognized as a leader in venture philanthropy.

Faye is the founder of GiveDirectly, a charity organization giving cash to very poor households in developing countries, as well as giving money for basic needs such as:

  • Food
  • Rent
  • School fees
  • Healthcare

Together, their powerhouses of giving back top the list of some of the most influential philanthropic foundations of the day. They also become instrumental in improving the lives of those around the world.

Here are the Top 8 Philanthropic Foundations of Today

Today’s top philanthropic foundations make a huge difference in our world. Names like Bill and Melinda Gates, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Welcome Trust, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Carnegie Corporation, John Arnold, Michael Faye, and others have excelled in giving back to worthwhile causes.

We can all learn from their examples and strive to make the world a better place. Get out there and help make a difference – donate now and start making an impact on the world!

We hope that this guide has shown you that there are many different philanthropic foundations to consider. Keep reading our blog for more inspiring and informative content.