Business owners understand the importance of local marketing. Is online marketing the only option in 2022?

Absolutely not. While it may seem like everyone is spending all of their time online, the fact of the matter is that people are still engaged with their physical surroundings. Various forms of tactile marketing actually provide a great way to cut through the virtual noise.

If you’ve moved away from tactile marketing, consider adding yard banners to your marketing strategy this year. They won’t push you over budget, they’re easy to use, and the results are impressive.

Want to learn more about the benefits of marketing with yard banners? Read on for the top five reasons to include yard banners in your marketing strategy.

1. Yard Banners Are Cost-Effective

Let’s face it. Marketing is an expensive endeavor. If you’re hesitant to add another tier to your multichannel marketing approach, we can’t say that we blame you.

However, before you write yard banners off, let’s talk about how little it costs to make them. Where a promoted social media campaign might cost upward of $500 and an email campaign might cost upward of $1,000, yard signs can cost as little as 50 cents per sign.

Plus, yard banners are durable, even those that are lightweight and made from eco-friendly recycled materials. When you order a bundle of yard banners, you rarely have to worry about ordering more for at least six months. Most of the time, if a company decides to replace their yard banners, it’s because they want a new look, not because the old signs are worn down.

2. Yard Banners Are Versatile

When it comes to designing yard banners for your business or organization, the options are practically limitless. Of course, you want to put together an eye-catching design that displays your logo or other branded images. No matter how intricate or colorful your design is, you can transfer it to yard banners with ease.

Plus, there is more than one kind of yard banner. When we think of yard banners, our minds most often go to the yard signs used by politicians and schools. These yard signs are made of reinforced cardboard and metal stakes.

Nowadays, you can choose from other materials and sizes to come up with an even more customized design. Take a look at these stretch fabric displays to see how far yard banners have come.

3. Yard Banners Reach a Local Audience

If you’re running a small, independent business, your most important customers are your neighbors. In fact, investing the majority of your marketing budget in digital advertisements may not be the best use of your hard-earned money. The people you need to reach most aren’t across the country, they’re across the street.

How do we know? Research has found that almost all consumers are unwilling or unlikely to travel more than twenty minutes to meet their everyday shopping needs. That means that the consumers with the highest potential to buy your goods or services live no more than five miles away from your storefront.

Placing yard banners in strategic spaces (with permission, of course) around your neighborhood is going to attract the attention of the right audience.

4. Yard Banners Improve Brand Recognition

Digital marketing comes with the appeal of instant gratification. You run an ad campaign on Instagram and interested viewers can click a link and make a purchase right away. You send out a promo code via email and consumers can take advantage of the deal in a few clicks.

Tactile marketing can’t deliver that instant follow-through. What it can do is prime customers to seek out instant gratification in the future.

The overwhelming majority of customers won’t shop with a business they’ve never heard of. That means that one of your primary marketing focuses should be on building brand recognition. Yard banners help to familiarize passersby with the name and logo of your business, making it more likely that you’ll be their go-to when the time comes.

5. Yard Banners Are Easy to Use

Perhaps one of the most enticing reasons to learn how to market with yard banners is that the learning curve isn’t steep. In fact, you won’t need to invest in any classes or outsource any experts to find success with yard banners.

First, let’s talk basics. Yard banners are easy to design, especially with the help of signage experts and templates. They’re even easier to assemble, consisting of only two main components: the banner and the structure that holds the banner in place.

Now, let’s talk about achieving marketing success with yard banners. Start by placing them around your storefront to increase visibility. Ask any businesses you partner with or support if they’ll add one of your yard banners to their property, as well.

Next, reach out to friends, family, and loyal customers. Adding a small yard banner to one’s front yard is permissible in most neighborhoods, and it doesn’t disturb the lawn or plants.

Are you not noticing much of an uptick in business since spreading your yard banners around the community?

Add Yard Banners to Your Marketing Strategy

As a small business, your local customers are the ones who matter most. Consider adding a tactile element like yard banners to your marketing strategy and reach your neighbors.

Take a look around while we share more marketing tips, industry news, and success stories that will inspire you to keep growing.