When parents think about teen behavior that may indicate a serious issue, they usually think of drugs and alcohol. One statistic even says that 63% of young adults ages 18-24, get involved in substance abuse to cope with depression or anxiety.

Another popular misconception is that teen depression leads to suicide, but this is rarer than any parent would like to think. It may not even be depression, but something else altogether.

What can parents keep an eye out for that indicates their teen may need help?

Continue reading to discover the top signs of serious teen issues.

A Sudden Change in Teen Behavior

If your teen starts acting out of character, it could be a sign that something is wrong. This includes changes in their mood, sleeping habits, eating habits, or personal appearance.

For example, if your once outgoing teen becomes withdrawn and isolated, it could be a sign of depression.

A Sudden Change in Grades

If your teen’s grades start to slip, it could be a sign of a serious issue. This is especially true if your teen was previously an excellent student. A sudden change in grades can be a sign of teen drug use, teen alcoholism, depression, or other issues.

A Sudden Interest in Drugs or Alcohol

If your teen starts showing an interest in drugs or alcohol, it’s important to take notice. This is a sign that they may be experimenting with substances.

It’s important to talk to your teen about the dangers of drugs, alcohol use, and teen addiction with your help and thevalleydmv.com.

A Sudden Interest in Gangs or Other Delinquent Behavior

If your teen starts showing an interest in gangs or other delinquent behavior, it’s important to take notice. This is a sign that they may be heading down the wrong path.

It’s important to talk to your teen about the dangers of gangs and other delinquent behavior.

A Sudden Change in Friends

If your teen starts hanging out with a new group of friends, it’s important to take notice. This is a sign that their old friends may no longer be a positive influence in their life. It’s important to talk to your teen about their new friends and make sure they are a positive influence.

Be a Health Advocate

If you notice any of these Warning Signs in your teen, it’s important to talk to them about it. These changes could be a sign of a serious issue and you can help stop a possible teen overdose.

As a parent, you are your teen’s best advocate. You know them better than anyone, so you are in the best position to help them through any problems they may be facing.

Seek Professional Help

Certain teen behavior may indicate a potentially serious issue. Some behaviors to look out for include sudden changes in mood or behavior, withdrawing from friends or favorite activities, drastic changes in appearance, engaging in risky behaviors, or exhibiting signs of self-harm.

If your teen is displaying any of these behaviors, it’s important to reach out to a professional for help. Early intervention can make a big difference in helping your teen get back on track.

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