Are you experiencing discomfort, numbness, or pain in your extremities, such as your feet or hands?

Neuropathy is a common complication among patients with type 2 diabetes, but it can also occur as a side effect of many other conditions, such as HIV, lupus, and kidney disease. If left undetected, neurological damage can lead to weakening of muscles and further complications such as foot ulcers. 

We’re here to give you some helpful tips on how to prevent neuropathy and reduce discomfort. Keep reading to learn more!


Neuropathy exercise is one of the most effective ways how to prevent neuropathy. It helps to strengthen the muscles and joints, as well as increase blood circulation in the extremities. It’s important to be mindful of the type of exercise that you choose, though, as some can be too strenuous for those with neuropathy.

Low-impact exercises such as walking and swimming are generally effective methods for preventing neuropathy. It’s essential to make sure the exercises are performed properly and with the right intensity; otherwise, it could cause more harm than good.

Eat Healthy

It is important to maintain a healthy diet in order to prevent diabetic neuropathy from occurring. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to support healthy nerve fibers. Avoiding foods high in saturated fats, such as processed and fried foods, as well as limiting your intake of salt, sugar, and alcohol, can also be beneficial.

A balanced diet rich in these nutrients can reduce the chances of developing neuropathy. Additionally, drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated can help maintain healthy nerve cells. Exercise can also be beneficial, as it can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation, both of which can help protect against neuropathy. 

Vitamins D and B12

Vitamins D and B12 are essential for preventing neuropathy. Vitamin D helps to stimulate the production of nerve growth factors, which enhance the health of nerve cells. This can help to prevent nerve damage. Vitamin B12 nerve damage repair helps to prevent the thinning of myelin sheaths, which can lead to nerve damage and neuropathy.

This is especially important for people who experience consistent numbness or tingling in the arms and legs. In addition, both Vitamin D and B12 can help balance hormones, which can also help to prevent nerve damage. It is important to maintain adequate levels of Vitamin D and B12 to prevent neuropathy. 


Preventing neuropathy medication can begin with a healthy living lifestyle. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking or excessive alcohol. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent nerve damage.

In addition, it is important to follow the doctor’s guidance when taking medications for diabetes and other illnesses. The dose should be taken as prescribed and not taken at any higher or lower doses. Taking medications on time and as prescribed is important. Make sure any OTC medications you take have been approved by a doctor.


Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves the stimulation of acupuncture points on the body using needles. It is most commonly known for its use in treating chronic pain, but it can also be used to prevent neuropathy.

Neuropathy is caused by nerve damage and can lead to conditions such as weakness, numbness, and tingling in the limbs. Acupuncture can help to prevent neuropathy by encouraging healthy nerve function and boosting circulation in the legs.

Keep Blood Pressure Under Control

Neuropathy is an unfortunate condition in which peripheral nerves that regulate sensation and body functions become damaged. Preventing neuropathy starts with managing your blood pressure. Keeping blood pressure under control helps minimize damage to the nervous system.

One way to keep your blood pressure under control is to follow a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced, healthy diet and get regular physical activity. Limit sodium intake, drink plenty of water, and limit alcohol consumption. If you smoke, quit. A healthy lifestyle also includes regular visits to your doctor to check your blood pressure and monitor your health. 

Keep Feet Clean and Dry

Keeping your feet clean and dry is an important part of preventing neuropathy. Neuropathy is a condition that causes nerve conditions and can be caused by poor foot care or infection. To keep your feet clean, you should wash them daily with soap and water and dry them completely before putting on your socks and shoes.

It’s important to check your feet every day for signs of irritation or infection, such as redness, ingrown toenails, sores, calluses, and blisters. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly. 

Wear Good Shoes

Wearing good shoes is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to prevent neuropathy. Proper footwear for both standing and walking, as well as activities such as running, can help avoid the development of neuropathy over time.

Shoes should be comfortable and provide adequate padding for the feet, including support for the arches. Shoes should also provide enough cushioning to absorb the shock from any impacts and movement. Avoid constraining your feet with shoes that are too tight. 

Learn How to Prevent Neuropathy

How to prevent neuropathy and emphasizing the treatment of underlying medical problems, neuropathy can be reduced or avoided. Eating a balanced diet, living an active lifestyle, and maintaining a healthy weight are all important steps to take.

Additionally, regular medical check-ups and discussing the side effects of prescribed medications with your healthcare provider can help improve safety. 

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