Sometimes, it happens to the best of us that the life we dreamt of living and things/people we cherished the most, starts to look bleak in our eyes. One fall leads to another until we are left with a mountain of toppling issues. No matter how hard we try, how hard we struggle to take control of things again, it further slips from our grip. We tend to develop several unhealthy tendencies to tackle problems, not knowing how harmful it can get for us and the people surrounding us.

We keep shifting from accepted human behavior towards something which continues to drain us and the people who are trying hard to get us out of those dark pits. Our mind starts to play tricks on us and we end becoming someone other than ourselves, necessarily full of negativity and pessimism. We start to violate certain ethics, certain behavioral patterns and adopt a pattern of life that is draining, exhaustive and harmful for us. If not checked at the right point of time, it can assert the shape of habit and plunge us permanently into something abominable.

 To avoid incurring a rough or pitiful situation, we need to keep a track of our behavioral changes and understand how to eradicate the bit which has started to cause harm to our system, which has started to ruin our peace, which disturbs our daily life and the people who are concerned for us. It is important to step in and take wise decisions for ourselves on time. Delaying any process of treatment or consultation can hamper your mental and physical health further, might also lead to a stage where recovery from such convoluted problems becomes a far-fetched idea. Listen to yourself and step in to reclaim your lost peace.

Save yourself before things go out of hand. Given below is a list of reasons as to why it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist. If you can relate to any of the reasons stated below, it is advised for you to pay a visit to your near-by psychiatrist and see where it goes. Considering the recent scenario please wear face masks and respirators to breathe properly and stay germ-free.

Prominent Signs of Growing Psychoticism


Many of us struggle with emotions that are too overpowering and difficult to put in words; one such emotion is hopelessness. Often we go through situations in life where things do not turn out as we had expected them to be. One disheartening event leads to another and a somewhat concrete feeling grows in us that nothing in life makes sense anymore. We start to give up hope in every aspect that makes us, us. We start to detach ourselves from friends, family, society, and work and tend to overthink things that are perhaps trivial. For some, hopelessness can root from incurring failure in a relationship, or failure in achieving a career goal, frustration in completing a piece of writing, repeatedly failing in one specific sphere, being demotivated by people around or it can be anything minute or severe depending on the individual’s background and thought process generated from the problem.

 If you start to feel at any point in your life that waking up in the morning and making yourself a warm cup of coffee feels like a burdensome insignificant task, you should start to give this lethargy a thought. If everything in your life which once had your attention now seems unattractive and useless, you should ponder about the reasons that lead to such a situation.

 If you do not find answers for yourself and fail to understand why this happened, you should try and reach out to a psychiatrist to get clarity on the situation and ask him or her how to get out of this newfound problem. Let hopelessness never be a hurdle to live freely.


One of the primary reasons for your hopelessness can be early signs of depression. What sometimes follows up unattended depression is psychotic tendencies develop. To understand early signs or signs of depression, you first need to understand what is depression. Given below are a few known tendencies/symptoms of depression. Know that it can vary from person to person and this is only a limited range of symptoms known worldwide.

Known signs of depression:


Feeling anxious in certain situations is expected of a human being but if your anxiousness becomes a part of your daily routine and starts to get out of control then it is time to think about what triggers you..Crippling anxiety can be a huge problem if it gets out of hand, therefore, it is advised to all that you should keep a check on your anxiety and see how you can curb them. Never underestimate your anxiety or let it slid into your life. Take measures to get out of it,  seek help always.

Loss of appetite and weight

One of the signs of early depression can be increasing loss of appetite followed by loss of weight. When we start to feel hopeless or a sense of sadness starts to seek in our body permanently, we do not feel like participating in activities that involve eating, doing any work, listening, talking or anything which shows our participation in life. Many people start skipping on food, delaying their meals or not taking proper diet. Most of the patients with depression tend to lose weight increasingly due to a lack of food in their daily schedule. If you are experiencing something similar to this think about it and talk to someone who can guide you on what is happening with you.

Feeling lost and helpless

One of the early signs of depression can be a feeling of losing pace with life, feeling hopeless with each passing day. Everything that once interested you now feels mundane and grey. If you see that you are starting to lose your sense of direction and willpower, or getting driven away with the tide of life, you should try and seek help as soon as possible. Do not delay with such feelings.


Another very known sign of depression can be increasing irritability at trivial issues. Sometimes a situation might not be as serious or convoluted as you see it. If you tend to overreact to small issues and you see them as amplified versions of problems, keep a check on what you feel every day in various situations. Try to navigate the root of such a feeling and what exactly triggers you to behave roughly in the said situation. Over reaction over small issues daily might start to affect your peace and mental health if not checked on time.

Feeling fatigued

Another prominent sign of growing depression can be feeling fatigued by doing things that are not supposed to make you fatigued. There are times when doing simple stuff which a normal person can execute very smoothly may seem like a huge strenuous task. If you start to incur that feeling regularly then you might need to ask yourself what is bringing forth such a feeling. If you find it difficult to carry on with daily activities or follow a basic routine, then it is an alarming situation for your mental and physical health and needs to be checked as soon as possible.

Insomnia or oversleeping

Insomnia or oversleeping due to lethargy and sudden disinterest in life can also be a prominent sign of depression. What you might mistake as laziness or mere sickness can be growing depression. It often happens to the best of us that our life starts to look overwhelming or certain can be too much to take. To avoid facing issues, people tend to sleep for prolonged hours every day as a way to escape reality.

They try to face away from their problems by ignoring them through sleep. This is an extremely unhealthy process and if not checked on time can stem into graver problems. If you feel you are going through something similar, try and talk to someone you trust or consult a therapist or a psychiatrist for the same. Do not let drowsiness grow on you.

Experiencing extremes of emotion

One of the most significant and apparent issues of depression can be an experience of extremes of emotion in a given situation which might trigger a certain emotion. You tend to feel it more and therefore reacts more. For example, small things can make you angry real quick or sometimes a problem that is not so sad might drain you to the extent of feeling exhausted. You might even start to feel numb at times for experiencing amplified emotions regularly.

If you feel that situations that were earlier smooth and easy to handle now get out of control real quick, then it is time to take a step back and look at the situation from a different spectrum and try to understand what went wrong in the first place. If you find it difficult to understand the complexity of your emotions immediately consult a therapist or a psychiatrist before this emotion gets the better of you.

Distinct abnormality

Sometimes it happens that people around you start to send something in you which is away from conventionality and very abnormal of your behavior. This change of behavior or acquiring a new habit can be characteristically negative or destructive. It can also be something alarming. This new pattern of behavior that settles in you can be categorized as abnormal if it starts to shift from expected human behavior to something potentially dangerous or bizarre. This behavior can stem from prior trauma or as a defense mechanism from something which has continued to trouble you for a long. We start to exercise a particular behavior or emotion which we believe is healthy and good for us but in reality, the story can be something else.

If you feel this sort of bizarre or away-from-behavior in your regular days or if you incur a complaint from your near and dear ones which are called characteristically abnormal or bizarre, then it is time to seek professional help before it creates a problem in your life and starts to affect your mental health and the health of people around you. Consult a therapist or a psychiatrist and ask them what is happening to you and how can you tackle this problem and get out of it real soon.

Uncontrolled anger

One of the most prominent and disturbing signs of psychotic behavior can be uncontrolled rage. Anger is a various human being has a range and if your anger goes beyond a certain range it can be characterized as harmful, dangerous, and psychotic. There are various versions of expelling anger, some show their anger by expressing it verbally, shouting, or screaming in the given situation. Some exercise it by being passive-aggressive, that is not being loud or verbal about their feelings. Some choose to expel anger through violence.

Violence can take various shapes if not controlled or curbed on time. It can start from abusing the concerned person in the situation, physically or emotionally or it can even connote to physically harming the person or being destructive by breaking things around you. If you can relate to any of the symptoms mentioned above, then you can be a victim of psychotic disorder and it is almost urgent for you to consult professional help and learn through therapy and counseling sessions on how to curb your anger. Otherwise, if such kind of temper is not tamed, it can also lead one to commit spine-chilling crimes.

Sadism or masochism

Sadism stands for deriving pleasure from one’s pain and masochism stands for deriving pleasure from one’s pain. If you have any such tendencies in you where you tend to draw satisfaction or a twisted and weird sense of thrill from your or someone else’s pain, then you might have developing signs of psychoticism. It is unhealthy to feel so and should be gotten rid of at the earliest. Consult a psychiatrist immediately if you feel so.