Maintaining a safe and functioning plumbing system is essential for any home or business.

Regular inspections of your plumbing system can help identify potential problems before they become expensive issues, ensuring that you get the absolute most out of your home’s plumbing system.

But how often should you have your plumbing inspected? Today’s article will explore the answer to this question and offer some tips on making sure that your inspection is done correctly.

Continue reading to learn more. Once you’ve wrapped up today’s blog post, you can click here to contact professional plumbers in Chandler, AZ.

Why Should You Get Your Plumbing System Inspected?

Having a properly functioning plumbing system is essential for any home or business, as it allows us to access clean water, flush waste, and perform other everyday tasks. To keep your plumbing system in top condition, it’s important to have regular inspections.

An inspection can help identify potential problems before they become costly repairs, ensuring that you get the most out of your plumbing system.

How Often Should You Schedule a Plumbing Inspection?

Generally speaking, professionals recommend that you inspect your plumbing system at least once every two years. Of course, this timeframe may vary depending on the age of your home or business, the history of your plumbing system, and other factors. If you want a more precise answer for when to inspect your plumbing system, consult a professional plumber who can evaluate your specific situation.

Before getting an inspection done, make sure that the plumber is licensed and insured for your safety and peace of mind.

The inspection process typically consists of several steps including inspecting pipes both inside and outside of the building; checking fixtures such as sinks and toilets; inspecting connections between the water supply lines; looking for signs of corrosion or wear-and-tear; testing pressure levels; examining drain lines; and assessing sewer systems.

Additionally, they may also check other components such as water softeners, filters, pumps, valves etc., depending on what type of equipment is installed in your building.

Regular inspections can help prevent major issues like burst pipes or flooding due to clogged drains by identifying smaller issues ahead of time that may otherwise go unnoticed until it’s too late to do anything about them. This could potentially save homeowners thousands in repairs or even eviction from rented properties if damage is caused.

For businesses with complex plumbing systems, regular inspections are especially important because minor flaws can easily become expensive nightmares if left unchecked for too long.

Additionally, inspections are recommended after natural disasters like floods or earthquakes to spot any structural damages that may have occurred during these events which could put occupants in danger if not corrected immediately.


In short, having regular inspections done on your plumbing system is crucial for maintaining a safe environment in both residential homes and commercial buildings alike.

By taking preventive actions now while the costs are still low, you’ll save yourself from paying much more later on down the line when those small issues manifest themselves into much bigger ones that require extensive repairs – verifying why experts recommend scheduling an inspection at least once every two years (or more frequently depending on certain criteria).

Benefits of Plumbing Inspection

If you’re still not convinced that you should get your plumbing system inspected regularly, be sure to take a look at this list of benefits:

  • Prevention of Major Issues: Regular plumbing inspections can help prevent major issues like burst pipes or flooding due to clogged drains by identifying smaller issues ahead of time that may otherwise go unnoticed until it’s too late to do anything about them.
  • Cost Savings: Taking preventive actions now while the costs are still low will save homeowners and businesses from paying much more later on down the line when those small issues manifest themselves into much bigger ones that require extensive repairs.
  • Increased Safety: Inspections provide peace of mind and increased safety, as they ensure all components in a building’s plumbing system are functioning properly so there is no risk of structural damage or harm to occupants.
  • Natural Disaster Protection: After natural disasters like floods or earthquakes, inspections are highly recommended as they can spot any structural damages that may have occurred during these events which could put occupants in danger if not corrected immediately.

How Often Should You Have Your Plumbing Inspected? — Conclusion

In conclusion, it is essential to have regular inspections done on your plumbing system in order to maintain a safe environment and prevent costly repairs. Generally speaking, professionals recommend that you inspect your plumbing system at least once every two years or more frequently depending on certain criteria such as the age of your home or business and the history of your plumbing system.