Did you recently purchase a new home?

Whether you’re moving into a new home or updating a previous home, it’s important to understand all the costs involved in getting the home up to date.

One cost involved in home updates is the roof. Over time, roofs deteriorate, leaving you with costly repairs. Rather than leave the roof until the last minute, it’s a good idea to plan for the roofing cost for the house.

Here’s what you need to know about roofing cost for house.

Square Footage of Your Roof

To calculate an accurate roofing estimate, you must first calculate the square footage of the roof. This can be done by measuring the length and width of the roof from eave to peak for rectangular roofs or by finding the circumference of the roof for round roofs.

Multiply the length and width of the roof together for rectangular roofs, or multiply Pi times the radius of the roof squared for round roofs. This will give you your roof’s square footage.

Then, use a roofing material calculator to help you determine the number of squares of shingles needed and divide that by 100 to get the total number of roofing squares needed. You can then multiply the square footage of your roof by the cost of the shingles to get the total roofing cost.

Level of Difficulty

When it comes to calculating roofing costs for a house, the level of difficulty of the job plays a large role. For simpler jobs such as replacing shingles, the cost is usually straightforward – it is dependent on the number and size of the shingles being replaced and the materials that are used for the job.

If a full roof replacement is required, things quickly become more complicated. Roof pitch, climate, type of surface, material selection, and the quality of materials used all affect the cost.

Extra Labor

When calculating roofing costs for a house, you should factor in the costs of extra labor of a roofing contractor if needed. Extra labor may be required due to complex roof designs, extra features, or other reasons.

You must determine the number of extra workers needed and the length of the job to come up with a total cost. The estimated costs for any extra labor depend on the size of the job and the skill level of the workers.

To determine the rate per hour, you might want to ask for quotes from multiple contractors and compare the prices. When it comes to extra labor, safety is essential; be sure to ask about the safety measures that the contractors would take. 

Type of Material

When calculating the costs of roofing a house, the type of material is an important factor to consider. Asphalt shingles are considered the most economical option, with wood, slate, tile, metal, and synthetic materials being more expensive.

Asphalt shingles range in price between $60-100 per square foot installed. Wood shakes range from $130-270 per square foot installed. Slate from $400-700 per square foot installed.

Tile from $200-900 per square foot installed, and metal from $300-1,500 per square foot installed. Synthetic materials vary widely in price, so be sure to do your research. 

Learn How to Calculate The Roofing Cost for House

The roof is an important part of any house, and it is essential to ensure that you get accurate estimates of the roofing cost for house. Calculating the roofing costs for a house is not complicated and can be done step-by-step with some simple math. 

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