The roofing contractor you hire will have major implications for your home.

Your roof is the first line of defense against everything from falling tree branches to inclement weather. It’s going to sustain damage from time to time, and the person you hire to repair that damage will determine how long your roof lasts.

In this post, we’re going to tell you the most vital questions that you need to ask roof contractors before hiring them for repairs. How they answer these questions will help you decide which company should handle your home roof repairs, so keep reading and learn how to protect your roof and your home.

1. Are You Licensed and Insured?

Always inquire about licensing and insurance. Depending on what state you live in and what type of job you’re having done, they’ll need a specific license to operate. Most roofing contractors should have a general contractor’s license.

When it comes to insurance, you want to ensure that you’re protected in the event of any accidents. Roof repair and replacement is a dangerous job, and even the most experienced roof repair specialists have accidents. A good company should have general liability insurance and workers’ compensation for their workers.

2. How Much Experience Do You Have?

Ask about their industry experience. When it comes to something serious like roofing repairs, you want a company that has decades of combined experience on the job. 

There’s nothing wrong with a new roofing business doing great work. If you’re having serious work done, however, it’s far more comforting to have an established company with experienced workers that have seen it all.

Realted-The Most Common Causes of Roof Damage

3. Can You Show Me Reviews/Testimonials?

There’s no one better to get information from than a company’s former customers. If you have any interest in what it’s like to work with a company or if you want to know more about the quality of their work, then ask to see reviews and testimonials.

You can look to Google or Yelp to find more reviews, but a good roof repair contractor like Affordable Contracting Services will post testimonials right on their site.

4. Can You Give Me a Written Estimate?

Roof repair specialists should always be able to give you a free estimate before you hire them. Experienced roofing contractors will be able to quickly diagnose problems and let you know how much you’re going to have to spend to get them fixed.

Obviously, the price will factor into your decision. Getting free estimates from a few different contractors will help you decide which one to move forward with.

5. Do You Offer Service Warranties?

Find out about service warranties. A service warranty is simply a guarantee that if there are any issues with the services provided, the company will come back and fix them free of charge. 

Having service warranties in place gives the customer some relief and shows that the company has confidence in its work.

Asking Roof Contractors the Right Questions

If you ask potential roof contractors these questions, you’re going to be able to narrow down your choices to a few of the best. It’s important to get all of the information you possibly can before hiring a roofer, whether it’s for repair or replacement. When you have a great roof contractor on your side, you can rest easy knowing the roof over your head is going to protect your home.

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