In America, 3.7 million homeschooled students were in the 2020/2021 session. Research also found that 5.22% of school-age children were homeschooled in 2022.

Homeschooling has gained a lot of popularity and is a growing practice in American schools and worldwide. This is a welcome change from looking down upon home-schooled children as misfits.

So, if you also want to homeschool your child, we have some tips to help you succeed in your homeschooling journey.

1. Research Thoroughly

You can start homeschooling your child at any point in their school life. However, it is best to begin when one school session ends and the other is about to begin.

But before you dive right into it, take your time to research homeschooling. You must learn about the different homeschooling styles, the curriculum, and so on.

You can read books on it, subscribe to magazines, and discuss with parents already on the homeschooling journey. See if you can find a homeschool organization locally and join it.

2. Know about the homeschooling requirements of your state

The rules and regulations for homeschooling in one state differ from the other. For instance, some states might require the parent to submit their home instruction plan to the local superintendent before they begin homeschooling.

Detailed information about these requirements can be found online. Make sure you include this information during your research about homeschooling.

3. Choose the Curriculum to Homeschool

You can make your curriculum or buy a boxed one. You need to decide on which lesson plan you want to use yearlong.

A boxed curriculum will provide you with everything in one place. You can get a suggested schedule and a book list. It might also contain a list of other materials you need for homeschooling.

However, you must think if the boxed curriculum is convenient for you. You can check the cost, the kind of schedule it offers and see whether it suits your time and convenience.

Further, you can make your child’s curriculum by yourself, especially if you have some experience in teaching. There are also resources online that will help you set up a curriculum.

4. Choose the right teachers

Though you can teach your child yourself, appointing online teachers for homeschooling will greatly help. If you are a busy parent, this will, of course, ease your burden.

If you have time, you can put that time and energy somewhere else, knowing your child’s education is taken care of.

As online teachers specialize in multiple subjects, they will ensure that your child finishes their curriculum, giving them the best education. As these classes are online, your child can join from any location.

5. Create Your Homeschooling Space

Next, you must choose a dedicated space for your child’s education to bring a sense of discipline.

Decide if you want a desk or a blackboard. You would also need a computer with an internet connection. Figure out your storage to organize the workbooks, textbooks, and stationaries.

Some parents also teach the students outdoors. But go for that only if you have a distraction-free outdoor environment.

6. Set Specific Homeschooling Goals

In homeschooling, you must set specific short-term and long-term goals for your child. Make sure you include things other than academics when you plan to homeschool. Consider your child’s physical activities, socializing with peers, and extracurricular activities.

You should also network with other parents and know about the best activities for your child. See if you can find out from other resources like newspapers, community centers, etc.

7. Make a Homeschooling Schedule

Once you have the goals, focus on creating a schedule. Write down how you want to divide your child’s academic schedule and the subjects.

Make sure you have an idea of how to break down the lessons week by week. However, don’t forget to be flexible. If you are considering online tutors, consider scheduling their classes too.


As most homeschooling parents say, this is a pretty challenging choice. You must keep an open mind to keep learning on the go and constantly adjust.

So, be open to experimentation and find different ways to approach this. Remember to enjoy the process of homeschooling, which will, in turn, benefit your child.