If you were asked back in 2009 if you thought cryptocurrencies and blockchain would be a big deal, you’d have likely shrugged it off as another craze. However, fast forward 14 years and there’s no denying that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and they’re having a profound influence across all areas. With this in mind, blockchain and cryptocurrency deserve a place in schools, and here’s why.

Better Career Opportunities

Blockchain and crypto are being adopted by businesses at a rapid rate, and it’s going to open the door for countless new jobs over the coming years. For example, many firms are already searching for recent graduates to help them step into the current age, and these positions require in-depth insight into the ever-changing modern technology.

Help with Decision Making

Cryptocurrency is still classified as new, and its full potential is nowhere near being reached. Therefore, the best time to invest in the market is now, while it’s still taking shape. However, as with any other investment, it’s impossible to make smart decisions without learning first. Schools can help equip students by teaching them how the market works and exploring new projects. If a school has funds, a shared portfolio for demonstration purposes would go a long way. Who knows, perhaps the future generation with crypto education will be retiring early.

Promotes Freedom

Freedom is an important part of growing up, and it’s a key part of blockchain technology. With decentralization eliminating the need for the middleman, nearly 100% freedom can be achieved. Already, blockchain-based social media platforms with zero regulations or censorship are appearing. Schools can use blockchain and cryptocurrency to help promote the right to freedom. You will already find educational resources that touch on this, like the Tuttle Twins podcast.

Online Security

Digital security has been a hot topic of conversation over recent years, and it puts forward a great argument for exploring blockchain, which takes security to new heights. At its core, blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that uses high levels of encryption, which has made it become one of the safest places to store information online. By including the basics of blockchain in classrooms, schools can rest assured that their pupils understand the safest ways to engage with the digital world.

Relevant to All Industries

Blockchain has begun impacting all industries from hospitality to healthcare to agriculture, and it’s going to revolutionize the way businesses interact and operate. Employers today are placing enormous value on abilities across all divisions. There are already crypto-based curriculums appearing. For example, ‘Blockchain, Cryptoeconomics, and the Future of Technology, Business, and Law’ at the University of California-Berkeley has become extremely popular over recent years.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain aren’t just passing phrases anymore and pouring time into researching the field is no longer reserved for a niche group within society. Blockchain technology is here to stay, and it will change the way the world works; therefore, it 100% belongs in classrooms.