There are about 572 million blogs in the world, according to estimates.

Are you someone who loves to write about fashion and style? Do you love taking pictures of your outfits and your friends’ company? 

If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, you should treat yourself to some photo editing software!

The digital runway needs to meet the runway of real life. Learn how to edit photos to take your fashion blog and social media posts to the next level.

Enhancing Colors and Textures

Enhancing colors and textures can help turn a mundane photo into something spectacular. Use enhancement tools like Levels, Hue/Saturation, and Curves to adjust and recolor images. You can also use Sharpen and Blur to emphasize or de-emphasize certain textures or details in the photo you are using.

Additionally, use texture overlays to add depth and richness to your photos. With a few simple clicks, bring your pictures to life with the help of the Digital Runway, and your fashion blog will be popping in no time.

Power of Lighting

Lighting is important in producing beautiful and impactful fashion images for fashion bloggers. It can decide the mood of an image and bring life to the details in a garment. Positioning your subject and camera in the direction of the sun provides a unique, luminous glow that’s flattering and radiates the colors of the garment.

Embrace different colors of light, such as warm and cool tones. This will create unique depths. It adds an interesting mix of textures to the images.

Avoid any direct light source, such as flash or sunlight, as much as possible. This usually creates harsh shadows and unattractive highlights. 

Fixing Imperfections

For fashion blogging, start by adjusting the colors and tones to enhance the photo, then crop or straighten the wonky lines. Brightening shadows and dark spots can be done with a curve change and shadow effects.

Additionally, reducing the noise in a photo can bring out a smoother texture and help create the best version of the photo. In any case, remember to support the natural look of the photo by avoiding harsh edits. To further ensure the quality of the photo, the sharpening shouldn’t exceed 30%.

Utilizing Free Software

Many of the same tips for editing runway fashion photos apply to free software. Some programs offer editing options, from contrast, color, and light adjustments to adding frames and filters. Choose the software that best suits your editing needs for the best results.

Before you start editing, you must have a good understanding of editing your photos. When editing with free software, save backups of your images before making changes to avoid any permanent damage. It is also essential to use software to convert the photo into Png to Svg.

Be sure to experiment with the different levels of saturation and sharpness of the image to get the most preferred result. Be mindful of every step of your editing process to ensure you are at your best with free software.

Make the Most Out of Your Fashion Blog

With the proper tools and techniques, you have the technical know-how to take your fashion blog to the next level! Take advantage of these digital runway photo editing tips to make your fashion blog content stand out. 

Do you want to find more helpful info? Check out more of our guides on our blog today!