Selling your house can be a stressful time in which it feels like there’s always something to be done. With less free time, more emotional strain, and strangers criticising your home, it can be easy to forget some of the many important things you need to do in the process.

You no doubt want to get the best value possible for your property – and that may well be better than in recent years, with average UK house prices hitting a new high. All the same, you need to do the best that you can to prepare before putting your house on the market to make sure you stand out against the rest of the market.

With that in mind, we’ve put together our best three tips for you to follow when selling your house. Keep reading to find out what they are.

Work with a good legal team

From estate agents to surveyors, the journey of selling your home will bring you into contact with a variety of professionals. In particular, it pays to have an excellent set of solicitors on your side. They’ll save you a lot of time and energy, whether you’re struggling to understand confusing legal jargon or work out what conveyancing fees you need to pay ahead of time.


When you live in the same place for a long time, it’s only natural to build up a trove of treasured items. But if you want to improve your home’s appeal to prospective buyers, you absolutely have to do some selective decluttering.It can help prospective buyers picture themselves and their family in your home easier if they’re not coming face to face with your family photos round every corner.

Too many belongings create the effect of making the rooms feel smaller, which might steer potential buyers away. A few tastefully chosen items here and there can help viewers to visualise themselves living in the house.

3 tips for selling your house Create curb appeal

First impressions are important. When it comes to your home, viewers will get their first impression before they even step inside. If they don’t like how it looks from the curb, why should they even bother looking at the interior?

With this in mind, pay attention to everything outside of your home. Trim the grass, bushes and trees. Weed and power wash the paving on your drive. Fix up the roof, the front door and even repaint the outside walls if necessary.

Since most house-hunters nowadays search for new homes online, it’s also worth learning how to take good property photos. Though this may mean investing in some decent camera equipment, it’s a small price to pay for the benefits of greater interest and perceived value that this will bring to your house.

Selling your house can be a challenge but there are plenty of ways to make the process smoother. What have you learnt from selling your previous homes? Tell us your tips in the comments section.