Did you know that between 5 to 15% of people have sensory disorders?

Do you feel like your nervous system is completely fried? No matter how much meditation, sleep, or pampering you give to it, do you still feel exhausted? Do you have bad mood swings, snap at others easily, or feel depressed without knowing why?

All of these are symptoms of overstimulation. If you are wondering “what causes it,” you have come to the right place.

This article will tell you what is overstimulation feeling, what causes it, and what you can do about it.

What Is Overstimulation?

Overstimulation is an uncomfortable feeling that can occur from prolonged exposure to sensory signals. It is a common occurrence in people who are especially sensitive to stimulation. This includes those with anxiety or those with autism.

Cause of overstimulation often happens when one is exposed to too much noise, light, or movement. It can also be triggered by too much caffeine or other stimulants. Symptoms of overstimulation can range from anxiety, dizziness, and agitation to nausea, heart palpitations, and nervousness. 

Tips to Reduce  Overstimulation

Overstimulation can be challenging to cope with. It’s always important to take preventive measures. With the right approach, managing and ultimately reducing this intense feeling of overstimulation is possible.

Mindful Breaths

Mindful breath can be used as a tool to reduce overstimulation. Mindful breaths allow us to become more present and focused. It consists of taking deep, slow breaths that prevent us from focusing on external stimuli and instead concentrate on our breath, our heartbeat, and the rise and fall of our chest.

By slowing down and becoming mindful of our breath, our body rests in a state of relaxation. This reduces anxiety and overstimulation. Mindful breath is a valuable tool for mental wellness that can be practiced whenever we feel overwhelmed or overstimulated.

Taking Frequent Breaks

Breaks can provide a mental respite, restoring energy and motivation to accomplish tasks. A short walk around the office or going to quiet spaces in universities gives the mind and body a chance to shift and reset, allowing us to return to tasks with fresh eyes and renewed focus.

Breaks should be removed from screens, emails, and calls, as the break should be a time of focused mental refreshment and physical relaxation. Taking brief yet frequent pauses is an effective way to calm down, refocus, and move forward.

Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk can help manage overstimulation by tricking the brain into believing something positive. Repeating mantras such as, “I will make it through this,” several times while being mindful of the emotions and mental shifts that are happening can help reprogram the brain into creating more productive thoughts and less reactionary feelings.

Allow yourself to take a break from the situation or to refocus internally by taking a few deep breaths. It is also helpful to curate more positive self-talk and dialogue surrounding the situation.

Overcoming Overstimulation Feeling

It is essential to be aware of overstimulation feeling and to recognize when it is present. Taking breaks from overly stimulating activities, taking short rests, and engaging in more calming activities can help manage overstimulation. Do not let it overwhelm you, stay mindful of your feelings and environment.

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