Florida makes up about 10% of the registered motorcycles nationwide, which means there is a high probability that these trends will continue into 2023 and beyond. The sheer number of motorcycles also makes Florida susceptible to many motorcycle crashes. There were 13,366 fatal motorcycle crashes in the US, with 1,116 in Florida alone.

If you find yourself in a motorcycle accident, the first thing to do is stay calm and call a Florida motorcycle accident attorney. Most times, the injuries are only minor and can be treated at home. However, you must know what to do if you are involved in a severe crash. These are just some steps you must take after a motorcycle accident.

Preliminary Steps To Take After A Motorcycle Accident:

Taking legal steps to protect your rights is essential after a motorcycle crash. Your insurance company may attempt to settle your claim quickly and without regard for your injuries or the full extent of your damages. But you don’t have to accept any settlement without first speaking with an experienced motorcycle injury attorney who can help you get the compensation you deserve. Here are some things to consider doing after a motorcycle crash:

  • Call The Police: Even if there doesn’t seem to be any damage or other vehicles involved, it’s essential to document what happened as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident. This will help ensure that no one attempts to cover up what happened or change their story later. If possible, obtain written statements from witnesses or other drivers involved in the crash.
  • Get Medical Attention Immediately: After any motorcycle crash, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately — even if you feel okay. Head injuries are particularly dangerous because they may not present symptoms until several days after the accident; by then, permanent damage could have already occurred.
  • Call A Florida Motorcycle Accident Attorney: After receiving medical attention, it’s time to call an attorney. Your attorney will help guide you through the legal process of filing a claim against the other driver’s insurance company and seeking fair compensation for any damages caused by accident. If someone else’s negligence caused your motorcycle accident, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you recover compensation for your losses and protect your rights.

How To Prepare A Florida Motorcycle Accident Damage Claim?

Knowing how to prepare a damage claim is crucial if you are injured in a Florida motorcycle accident. Here are some tips:

  • Be sure your bike is repaired properly by a qualified mechanic before you submit an insurance claim. If there are problems with the bike, they can be used as evidence against you if it comes down to a question of liability in court.
  • Keep all records of your medical bills and any medications or treatments related to your injuries. Keep copies of all correspondence between yourself and the insurance company regarding your claim. Your lawyer will need this information if it comes time for litigation or arbitration proceedings.

Final Thoughts:

If a motorcycle accident does happen, you should know what to do. Follow the steps outlined above and contact a motorcycle injury lawyer without delay. You can get back on your feet after your accident faster than you ever would have thought possible.