It’s no secret that parents want the best for their children. We work hard to provide for them, to keep them safe and healthy, and to give them the opportunities we never had. And one of the most important things we can do for our kids helps them get a good education. Education is the key to success in life, and it’s never too early or too late to start helping your kids prepare for their future.

One of the most important steps in preparing for education is taking the 11+ exam. This exam is required for admission into many private schools and grammar schools in England and Wales, so your kids must be well-prepared for it. But what is the 11+ exam, and how can you help your kids prepare for it? Here are some answers to those questions:

Understand The Concept And Purpose Of The 11+ Exam

The 11+ exam is an entrance exam for grammar schools and private secondary schools in England and Wales. The purpose of the exam is to test a child’s abilities in core academic subjects like math, English, and science. The results of the 11+ exam are used to determine which children will be offered a place at a particular school.

The 11+ exam is usually taken in October or November of the year before the child starts secondary school. The exact date of the exam varies from region to region, so it’s important to check with your local schools for specific dates. The exam lasts for two hours and 45 minutes, and children are typically given an hour to complete each section.

Know What Subjects Are Tested On The 11+ Exam

There are four main sections on the 11+ exam: math, English, verbal reasoning, and non-verbal reasoning:

  • Math: The math section of the 11+ exam tests a child’s ability to solve problems and work with numbers. Children will be asked to solve equations, understand word problems, and manipulate shapes and objects. This section of the exam is worth 50% of the total score.
  • English: The English section of the 11+ exam tests a child’s abilities in reading comprehension and writing skills. Children will be asked to read passages of text and answer questions about them, as well as to write their own short stories or essays. The reading comprehension section is worth 25% of the total score, while the writing section is worth 15%.
  • Verbal Reasoning: The verbal reasoning section of the 11+ exam tests a child’s ability to understand and work with words. Children will be asked to solve puzzles, complete word games, and answer questions about passages of text. Depending on the region, this section may be worth 10% or 20% of the total score.
  • Non-verbal Reasoning: The non-verbal reasoning section of the 11+ exam tests a child’s ability to understand and work with shapes, patterns, and sequences. Children will be asked to complete puzzles, identify shapes and patterns, and solve problems using logic. In most regions, this section is worth 10% of the total score.

Use Practice Tests To Help Prepare For The 11+ Exam

One of the best ways to help prepare for the 11+ exam is to use practice tests. These tests can help familiarize your child with the types of questions they’ll be asked on the exam, as well as the format of the exam. Practice tests are also a great way to identify any weaknesses your child may have in specific subjects, so you can help them focus their studying on those areas.

You can find practice 11+ exams online or in many educational stores. Many tutoring companies offer 11+ prep courses that include practice exams. Not only will your child get an idea of what to expect on the day of the exam by using 11 Plus Exam Papers, but they’ll also be able to work on their test-taking skills and speed. This will take some of the pressure off on exam day and help them feel more confident.

Choose The Right Tutor And Study Materials

If you decide to hire a tutor to help prepare your child for the 11+ exam, it’s important to choose someone experienced and knowledgeable in the subject matter. You should also look for a tutor who uses age-appropriate materials and methods, and who can create a customized study plan for your child.

When it comes to studying materials, there are many different options available. There are 11+ prep books, online courses, and practice exams that can all help prepare for the exam. You can also find many free resources online, including articles, tips, and advice from other parents who have gone through the process themselves.

Help Your Child Develop Good Study Habits

One of the best ways to help your child prepare for the 11+ exam is to help them develop good study habits. This means creating a quiet and comfortable place for them to study, free from distractions like television and video games. It also means helping them to create a study schedule that fits their learning style and allows them to focus on one subject at a time.

In addition to developing good study habits, it’s also important to help your child manage their time effectively. Time management skills are crucial on the day of the exam when they’ll need to complete four sections in just two hours and 45 minutes. Helping your child learn how to budget their time wisely will allow them to focus on each section and do their best on the exam.

Encourage A Positive Attitude

One of the most important things you can do to help your child prepare for the 11+ exam is to encourage a positive attitude. This means helping them to see the exam as an opportunity, not a source of stress. It also means avoiding any negative talk about the exam or their ability to do well.

Instead, focus on helping your child feel confident and prepared. Encourage them to believe in themselves and their ability to succeed. Remind them that you are there for support and will be cheering them on every step of the way. With a positive attitude, your child will be more likely to approach the exam with confidence and perform to the best of their abilities.

Studying for the 11+ exam can be stressful for both children and parents. From choosing the right tutor to finding the best study materials, there are many decisions to be made. However, by following these tips, you can help your child succeed on the exam and get into the school of their dreams.