Andrew Shingange was born in Gauteng, Johannesburg, during the apartheid regime. His parents were Abel Shingange and Patricia Nombusiyelo, both of Xhosa origin.

When a man makes it in life, you attribute it to a doting wife who is often behind the scenes. When it is a woman, you assume it is her husband who helped her climb the ladder. However, when the person in question is single, his mother, father, or siblings come into the picture with the speed of a rocket.

So, when Trevor Noah wowed the world with his comedy skills, everyone was curious about his close relatives, who might have made it possible for him to be successful.

He is often referred to as Africa’s most popular comedian, being the ‘Daily Show’s’ first African-American anchor. 

What kind of siblings does he have?

Enter Andrew Shingange. He is Trevor Noah’s and Isaac Shingange’s brother.

Early Life and Family

Growing up, life was not a walk in the park for Andrew Shingange and his brothers. He had two older brothers: Trevor Noah (whose father was a Swiss national) and Isaac.

Poverty and want were constant companions that made them grow thick skin and a sense of perseverance and patience. This was the case with many South Africans, especially the black community. One had to make something of themselves, whatever roadblocks lay in their way.

Maybe it is one of the reasons behind Andrew Shingange’s obvious kindness to children. He once posted a picture of him on Facebook with some children from the streets who were holding on to the leash of his favorite dog. 

In the group’s attempt to make friends, Andrew wore a serious expression that intimidated most. 

However, there was one brave boy who refused to be scared. 

The other boys, encouraged by this brave friend, decided to confront Andrew and his dog. 

Surprisingly, the  group made it a habit to take the dog’s leash each time Andrew came by. This did not augur too well for Andrew, but he let sleeping dogs lie. 

Andrew is a happily married man. He has a deep sense of respect for women. This stems from the love he has for his mother, who went through many difficulties to raise him together with his brothers. 

It is respect is obvious from the notion he holds that ‘a woman’s words are as powerful as a man’s fists’.


Humor runs in the family. It is interesting to note from a post on Facebook that Andrew thought that the ‘for external use only’ statement on products like body lotion meant not to be shared!

He writes that he found out about this fact when he was an adult. Apparently, birds of a feather flock together.

He believes that ‘‘You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start from where you are and change the end”—from a quote he got from a gym rat on YouTube.

His schooling is not public knowledge, but he might have attended the same school as his brother Trevor Noah: the Catholic School, which admitted black and white students and treated them equally despite apartheid.

Net Worth

As of 2023, the estimated net worth of Andrew Shingange is $1 million to $5 million. The main source of his income is thought to be his celebrity sibling, Trevor Noah, whose net worth is $100 million.

Andrew Shingange’s annual salary is still under review  because his professional life is also shrouded in mystery. In the current digital age, it is remarkable that one can stay out of the public glare with such ease as Andrew has over the years.

Age, Height and Weight

When Patricia’s marriage to Robert Noah failed to work out because of the harsh apartheid regime, she married Abel Shingange in 1992, but she filed for divorce in 1996. This makes the birth year of Andrew, the youngest child, to be between 1994 and 1996.

So, in the year 2023, he may either be 29 or 26 years old.

With a medium build and an average height, his physical attributes complement his easygoing demeanor, as evident in the candid smiles captured in available pictures.


Little is known about Andrew Shingange’s professional life. Pictures on his Facebook profile depict him working in a vehicle workshop that is supposedly his father’s.

He loves motorcycles with the passion of a child. He claims that he once watched someone zoom past him on a motorcycle, covering 400 meters in a matter of seconds. That left him feeling fascinated with what crashing the machine would feel like.

He also has a liking for words; just for the sake of it, he often posts different words on social media with their meanings. He also likes writing long-winded descriptions of what he does on several occasions.

He once wrote a  very interesting, long story about an encounter with a mug who hit, he claimed that one should thus punch to get to  ‘basics and understand life more.

Social media

There is adequate evidence that Andrew Shingange has a Facebook account. He posts his thoughts and takes on life generally. 

From Twitter, it is obvious that he has little liking for the political shenanigans that the African National Congress (ANC) participates in.

The Parting Shot

He also believes that patience conquers all. He likes George Foreman’s famous quote on the rewards that being patient can bring.

‘When you are young, you see the Cadillac in the dealership window, and you’ve got to have it now. But patience teaches you that twenty years from now, a Cadillac will still be in the window. You can get what you want eventually and if you’re patient, you won’t miss anything along the way’

He is overall an effortless, happy-go-lucky kind of fellow.  His 2024 objective is that continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.  

Despite his mistakes as a normal human, he is optimistic in his perspective of life and the world.