About 60% of businesses will shut down in ten years, and you’re working hard, so your company’s not one of them. There’s a lot on your plate. You’ve got inventory, staff, consumers, and other responsibilities that take up your attention.

There’s simply no time for online marketing. But trust us: If you don’t stay consistent with your posting schedule, your followers will move on and find other content that interests them.

It can be tempting to just post when it feels right, but your social media presence isn’t a hobby. It’s your business, and it deserves the same level of care and attention as anything else you do.

It’ll pay off in the long run. Conversions will increase, and your social media will become a valuable tool for engaging with customers.

Read on for how to create an engaging social media strategy for a small business, all without disrupting your busy schedule!

Create and Stick to a Posting Schedule

Think about what kind of content your audience is likely to engage with at different times of the day. For example, if your target audience is working adults who are busy during the week, then you should probably schedule more updates on weekdays and fewer on weekends.

Once you’ve figured out the best time of day to post, it’s time to create a digital marketing schedule. Schedule two or three posts per day at different times.

Use Content Pillars

Content pillars are a collection of content that you publish regularly. They can be blog posts, podcasts, videos, or any other type of media.

If you’re not producing enough content to keep up with the demand for it online, then you’re missing out on potential conversions and growing your audience. Read this post on content pillars to learn how to create content that your audience loves.

Engage With Your Followers

The first step towards building a successful social media presence for your business is engaging with your audience. By actively responding to comments and questions, you’ll be able to create a dialogue with the people who are interested in what you offer.

You can also use social media as a customer service tool by answering common questions about products or services. This will help build trust between you and the consumer, which will lead them back into the sales funnel when they are ready to make a purchase.

Build a Community

The most successful social media marketers know that engaging with your audience is only one part of the equation. You also need to build a community around your brand and create an environment where people can come together and discuss their passions. Make this a priority in your social media marketing plan.

Use Your Social Media Presence for Profits

We hope these tips have helped you navigate the social media waters. Remember, it takes time to build up a following on any platform and you need to stay focused on your goals, so they don’t get lost in the noise. If you stay consistent, your social media presence will become a powerful tool for improving profits.

To read more business tips, tricks, and advice, check out our other blog posts.