Running a business from home is appealing for many – no commute, flexible hours, and working in your pajamas. However, some home businesses inevitably take over living spaces with inventory, supplies, and workspace. If you want to launch a home business without surrendering your home, consider these ideas that don’t require much square footage.

Freelance Writing

The digital world has opened up countless freelance opportunities, with writing being one of the most accessible. As long as you have a computer and internet connection, you can be a freelance writer. Help businesses and clients with copywriting, blogging, editing, proofreading, and more. You only need space for your laptop, with minimal supplies. Leverage freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to find clients.

Handmade Jewelry

If you like working with your hands and have an eye for color, make and sell handmade jewelry. You’ll need workspace for assembling pieces, but it can be as simple as a small table or corner of a room versus taking over your home. Supplies are compact – you can buy gemstone beads, pearls, and other jewelry findings from retailers like The Bead Traders without piles of inventory. Sell through craft fairs, consignment boutiques, or your own Etsy shop.


Almost every business needs help managing their finances and bookkeeping. Offering remote/virtual bookkeeping services allows you to launch this business with essentially just a laptop and accounting software. Reach out to local businesses to offer your services maintaining their financial records and preparing statements and reports. As your client base grows, you may need to upgrade computer equipment, but the physical footprint remains nominal.

Phone Acting

Voice acting from home provides flexibility along with minimal space requirements – just soundproofing and microphone equipment. One niche option is phone acting, providing custom voice recordings for voicemails, phone menus, on-hold messages and more. Services like Voice123 and The Voice Realm connect phone actors with clients. Promote your services through your network and platforms like LinkedIn to land lucrative B2B voice acting jobs without surrendering home space.


Leverage your career expertise by consulting in your industry. For example, former teachers can offer curriculum support, ex-marketers can provide consulting services to businesses, and retired tradespeople can consult on projects. Consulting primarily requires a phone, computer, and strong Wi-Fi. You can take calls and video conferences without dedicated office space. Start networking, building a website, using LinkedIn to establish yourself as an expert and attract clients.

The great thing about each of these self-employment ideas is that they don’t require storing inventory or purchasing large equipment. You can get each business up and running without taking over rooms for operations and workspace. As long as you have space for your laptop or computer, phone, and supplies for your specific business, you can make money from home without taking over your home in the process. Focus on the fundamentals for these virtual businesses, then outsource operations like order fulfillment and shipping as you scale.